OPUS 9.0 is the latest releases of OPUS, the leading software for measurement, processing and evaluation of IR, NIR and Raman spectra. OPUS is a true 64 Bit software, delivering utmost performance under native 64 Bit operation.
OPUS 9.0 is released for Windows 10 and for Windows 11.
OPUS 9.0 comes with a fresh and modernized user interface and contains many further improvements for FT-IR, QCL- and Raman microscopy and the new MPA III runs with the validation program OVP-X.
Overview of the complete user interface with OPUS Browser and Status Bar.
New Graphical Method Editor in the Rapid Scan Time Resolved Measurement Dialog: The “Method Editor” tab of the “Rapid Scan Time Resolved Measurement” dialog has been extended by a graphical representation of the TRS-method. The method is shown as a sequence of graphical blocks, each block standing for a command/line in the method.
Blocks can be inserted into the method, moved to another position or deleted, by mouse-drag and drop. Command parameters are entered or edited via specific user controls on each block. The familiar text representation is still available.
Highlights of Composition-AID:
Version 6 is the latest release of OPUS-TOUCH, the first true touch-operated software for infrared spectroscopy. OPUS-TOUCH provides highest accessibility for FT-IR beginners and full instrument control for experts, including monitoring of hardware and system status.
All the features at one glance
Autonomous Composition Identifier, or A.I.D.
Fast and reliable analysis function for complex mixtures and pure substances. The new Composition-ID function is a completely new designed spectra search tool for mixtures and pure components. It requires no input for the expected number of components, provides a multitude of results in one run and automatically selects the one that fits best.
Product Measurement Workflow
The product measurement workflow enables fast and efficient measurement and evaluation of various samples. Each product precisely defines the measurement and evaluation process and can include an image to facilitate easy navigation within the workflow. Individual products can also be added directly to the home screen for quick access. The result view consolidates multiple results and visually highlights predefined warning and alarm limits for better clarity and decision-making.
Trend View
The trend view enables the visualization of various result types obtained from product measurements, including Quant 1, Quant 2, and Quick Compare. Outliers, such as those exceeding warning or alarm limits, are clearly highlighted graphically. Users can select different time ranges for analysis and export results in CSV format.
ONet Client Functionality
OPUS TOUCH can serve as an ONet client for ONet 4.0, enabling centralized setup, administration, and control of a network of FTIR instruments from any remote location worldwide.
The Tutorial Center
The tutorial center, accessible via a new icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, offers a library of video tutorials covering a wide range of TOUCH functions. Context-specific videos are displayed based on the currently active view, ensuring relevant guidance. All tutorials include both audio and subtitles, providing a user-friendly and accessible learning experience.
OPUS 8.8.4に対応したハンドヘルド型ラマン分光計「BRAVO」GUIソフトウェアの最新バージョン2.2.4がリリースされました。大型タッチスクリーンのタッチ操作による分かりやすい合理的なワークフローで、様々な分析ツールやレポーティングオプションを簡単に利用できます。BRAVOは、製薬業界のバリデーション環境での運用のために設計されており、規制要件を満たすために必要なすべての機能を面倒な設定なしで、すぐにお使いいただけます。
ONET 3.1ソフトウェアは、ブラウザベースのウェブ・インターフェース(WebUI)を介してアクセスするサーバー・アプリケーションで、世界中のどこからでもFT-IRまたはFT-NIR機器のネットワークを設定、管理、制御することができます。ローカルの分光器で測定されたすべてのデータは集中管理されます。加えて、すべてのデータと必要なファイルはローカルでも利用可能であり、ネットワークが一時的に切断された場合でも、いつでもサンプルの分析が可能となります。
ONET 3.1の新機能:
CMET 3.1は、ブルカーのFT-NIRプロセスアナライザとお客様のDCSとの間をつなぐプロセスソフトウェアの最新リリースです。DCSから与えられたコマンドはCMETに転送され、CMETは特定の測定を開始し、データをDCSに送信して、プロセスの監視と最適化だけでなく、可視化とアーカイブを行います。CMETは、4-20mA、Modbus、Profibus DP、OPCなどの様々な標準通信プロトコルをサポートしており、最適な接続性を実現します。
CMET 3.1の新機能: