The JPK NanoWizard® V combines high spatio-temporal resolution with a large scan area, flexible experiment design, and out-standing integration with advanced optical microscope systems. The automated setup, alignment, and re-adjustment of system parameters opens new possibilities for long-term, self-regulating experiment series.
NanoWizard V is expected to significantly advance our understanding of dynamic cellular processes and molecular mechanisms. Its PeakForce-QI mode enables fast and flexible quantitative nanomechanical measurements—significantly extending the capabilities of AFM—while its automated, remote-control, and fast-scanning capabilities provide high-throughput, high-performance imaging of even complex experiments.
NanoWizard V features novel scanner and sensor technologies and state-of-the-art control software that encompasses an intuitive, workflow-based graphical user interface (GUI) to ensure true, easy-to-use AFM operation.
Featuring an enhanced, workflow-based design with intuitive user guidance in the new SPM V8 software, the NanoWizard V empowers beginners and experts alike to acquire highest quality, reproducible data. The system’s high degree of automa-tion improves productivity and maximizes throughput. State-of-the-art analysis and batch processing routines ensure scientific accuracy and statistical data reliability.
By providing the right model for the right experiment, Bruker delivers easy solutions to complex scientific questions. Automated measurement procedures allow researchers to concentrate on what’s important - their research - and to question why and not how.
The pioneers of quantitative biological imaging, with PeakForce Tapping (2000+ publications) and QI (~1000 publications), now bring you the next generation:
Automated Force Spectroscopy Reloaded
The pioneers of Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy (SMFS) and Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy (SCFS) now bring you even more flexibility, higher precision, and increased throughput.
Powerful Data-Slices
For complex experiments, from single molecules to cells and tissues
Leading BioAFM in combination with advanced optical microscopy
Optical Modes Combinations
The NanoWizard V BioAFM enables direct access to pathogens and infectious agents in a BSL facility. Each step, from sample preparation, loading and disposal to running the experiment, can be performed directly in the biosafety lab.
Explore an extensive range of accessories for versatile experimental setups and environmental control.
Seamless combination with the FluidFM technology enables a host of novel experiment designs and applications.
Bruker’s BioAFMs allow life science and biophysics researchers to further their investigations in the fields of cell mechanics and adhesion, mechanobiology, cell-cell and cell-surface interactions, cell dynamics, and cell morphology. We have collected a gallery of images demonstrating a few of these applications.
Optical systems/accessories, electrochemistry solutions, electrical sample characterization, environmental control options, software modules, temperature control, acoustic and vibration isolation solutions and more. Bruker provides you with the right accessories to control your sample conditions and to perform successful experiments.
Bruker offers an extensive range of BioAFM system add-ons, accessories, and modes to deliver maximum experimental and sample control, superior versatility, and enhanced useability. These options extend the range of applications and experiments supported by Bruker BioAFMs far beyond what is possible with any other BioAFM system on the market today.
Available options include optical systems/accessories, electrochemistry solutions, electrical sample characterization, environmental control options, software modules, temperature control, acoustic and vibration isolation solutions, and more.
Browse our online accessories database or download our accessories handbook to learn more.
Our webinars cover best practices, introduce new products, provide quick solutions to tricky questions, and offer ideas for new applications, modes, or techniques.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans Bäumler
Head of Research Department
Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Charité University Hospital Berlin (Germany)
Dr. David Martinez Martin
Physicist · Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering
Co-chair of the sensors and diagnostics cluster of the Nanohealth Network (University of Sydney)