Bruker Chemist Suiteは、様々なタイプの分析データの管理、処理、解析およびレポート作成のための効率的なツールパッケージです。定量化や純度判定、化学構造からのIUAPC名生成、NMRスペクトル予測のための強力なモジュールを提供するソフトウェアとなっています。化学構造の同一性の確認や構造の検証にも役立ちます。
A professional way to visualize, process, analyze and report your 1D and 2D NMR data
Supports the specific NMR needs of analytical and organic chemists.
Designed to visualize, process, analyze and report various electronic and vibrational spectroscopic techniques
Carry out the analysis of various optical spectroscopy data.
Quantitative NMR analysis made easy!
For all your qNMR concentration and purity determinations.
Process, analyze and report your LC-MS and GC-MS data from your different instruments
Designed for Academia, chemistry, medicine, pharma and environmental chemistry.
Automatic confirmation of structure identity based on NMR and/or LC/GC/MS data
Designed for synthetic and medicinal chemists. It automatically checks a proposed structure against a set of analytical data.
Store, search, and share analytical data
A professional database with a very flexible data model integrated within Mnova for the efficiently shared storage of molecular structures and other data.
Accurate prediction of 1H and 13C NMR spectra from a chemical structure
Calculates accurate and precise NMR chemical shifts using a novel procedure that combines several prediction engines in a constructive way.
Generate the IUPAC name for your molecular structures
Designed for organic chemists when using Mnova software.
Data browser for TopSpin datasets
Data browser that highly integrates TopSpin directory architecture. It allows fast browsing through multiple dataset directories and NMR experiments and filter of NMR datasets created in TopSpin.
LabScapeの保守契約、On-Site、On-DemandおよびEnhance Your Labは、現在の実験室に適した保守とサービスを行うために、新しいアプローチを提供するよう設計されています。