The Dimension IconIR300™ large-sample nanoIR system provides high-speed, high-accuracy nanoscale characterization for semiconductor applications, featuring unrivaled capabilities, sample size, and material type flexibility. Through its combination of proprietary photothermal IR spectroscopy and nanoscale AFM property mapping capabilities, IconIR300 enables automated wafer inspection and defect identification on the widest range of wafer and photomask samples. The system significantly extends the application of AFM-IR technology to semiconductor industry segments beyond the reach of traditional techniques.
Built on the groundbreaking large-sample architecture of the Dimension IconIR system, IconIR300 provides correlative microscopy and chemical imaging, as well as enhanced resolution and sensitivity. Integrated with automated wafer handling and advanced data collection/analysis software, the system enables greater time- and cost-savings and production efficiency.
Only the Dimension IconIR300 system provides:
Our patented, unique suite of AFM-IR modes and proprietary PeakForce Tapping® property mapping modes, together with IconIR300's large sample architecture, provide ultimate sample flexibility for the broadest range of semiconductor applications. IconIR300 delivers whole-wafer measurement of samples up to 300 mm in diameter in a wide range of thicknesses and material types, including:
Additionally, Surface Sensitive AFM-IR mode enables IconIR300 to provide unique, reliable surface-sensitive chemical measurements of polymeric films deposited on semiconductor materials.
Bruker is the innovator for photothermal AFM-IR-based nanoIR spectroscopy, the preferred technique for the nanoIR community.
Dimension IconIR300 delivers:
The Dimension IconIR300’s industry-leading AFM performance and Bruker’s patented Tapping AFM-IR imaging together enhance the spatial resolution and sample accessibility of our nanoIR technology.
Dimension IconIR300 provides:
Equipped with our proprietary AutoMET® software suite, IconIR300 enables multiple levels of automation for non-destructive AFM measurement on a broad range of sample types in both real-time and off-line.
Key automation capabilities include:
These capabilities, together with nanoscale chemical characterization with highly resolved IR spectra, enable both academic and industrial users to overcome the limitations of traditional defect identification on semiconductor materials.