Stylus Profilometer

Dektak Pro

Proven technology, enhanced performance

Building on 55 years of surface measurement innovation and technology leadership, Dektak Pro™ sets a new standard for stylus profilometer performance. The system uniquely delivers the highest quality data with unrivaled ease of use.

This 11th-generation Dektak® system combines:

Only Dektak Pro provides the latest stylus profilometry advances and reliability needed to support your cutting-edge research and industrial applications well into the future.

measurement and analysis
Ensure accurate, precise data every time.
direct-drive scan stage and software
Accelerate time to results.
software and tip exchange
Deliver unmatched versatility and ease of use.

Still Driving Stylus Profiling Innovation 55+ Years Later

Over the last five decades, Bruker's Dektak systems have led the industry in stylus profiling technology, achieving milestone improvements in resolution, stability, speed, and versatility. Now, Dektak systems are well-established as the gold standard of stylus profilers; when an accurate, trustworthy stylus profiler is needed, Dektak has long been the unquestioned solution.

Dektak Pro takes the next step forward in stylus profiling innovation, providing even more enhanced operability, reliability, and measurement accuracy to enhance and extend the qualities that make Dektak synonymous with stylus profiling.

Maximizing Repeatability and Accuracy

Dektak Pro delivers accurate, precise data with the highest resolution, lowest noise floor, and easiest tip exchange of any commercially available stylus profilometer. State-of-the art measurement and analysis technology maximizes repeatability and accuracy, making single-nanometer step height measurements and better than 4 Å repeatability possible.

Dektak Pro reliably provides unbeatable performance

Enhancing Throughput

Every step of the measurement and analysis process is accelerated with Dektak Pro. Direct-drive scan stage technology reduces time between scans, and 64-bit parallel processing in the Vision64® software enables fast data processing.

Additional speed and ease-of-use technological advancements in Dektak Pro:

  • A new algorithm brings nearly the entire field of view into focus in the optical live image, making it easier to locate features of interest.
  • New step height algorithms automate analysis routines, improve consistency, and minimize potential user error in step height calculations.
Previous-Generation Dektak
Dektak Pro

Providing Ultimate Versatility and Ease of Use

Suited to widely diverse applications

Dektak Pro addresses R&D, process development, and QA/QC present and future needs across a host of industrial and research applications, such as: 

  • Microelectronics
  • Thick film coatings
  • Biomaterials
1 μm step at 0.03 mg and 1 mm step at 15 mg, both measured using a single sensor on Dektak Pro.

Accurate and responsive in dynamic measurement scenarios

With Dektak Pro, one measurement head covers 5 nm–1 mm step heights and 0.03–15 mg loads (with N-Lite+ option) without recalibration. The low-inertia sensor (LIS 3) rapidly adapts to sudden changes in surface topography and maintains accuracy and responsiveness in dynamic measurement scenarios

Fast and easy stylus replacement

Dektak Pro’s unique self-aligning stylus assembly facilitates quick and easy stylus exchange while eliminating any potential mishaps during the process. Bruker offers the widest range of stylus sizes to accommodate nearly any application requirement.

Dektak Pro features the fastest and easiest tip exchange, making tip switching simple to address the widest range of applications.

Selecting the Configuration that Best Matches Your Application and Budget

Dektak Pro comes in several standard configurations with different stage sizes — up to 200 mm of full-sample access for wafers — and automated stage options to fit your unique needs and budget. 

  • Dektak Pro E or -S: Manual 100 mm XY stage with or without manual theta rotation
  • Dektak Pro A: Automated 150 mm XY stage with automated 360° theta
  • Dektak Pro A200: Automated encoded 200 mm XY stage with fine encoded automated 360° theta

Key Specifications

Our listed product specifications and offerings are always a starting point for a conversation with our experts to determine how our capabilities can meet your specific requirements and challenges.

Measurement Technique: Stylus profilometry (contact measurement) Low Force Option: N-Lite+ Low Force with 0.03 to 15 mg (optional)
Measurement Capability: Two-dimensional surface profile measurements;
Optional three-dimensional measurement/analyses
Stylus Options: Stylus radius options from 50 nm to 25 μm;
High Aspect Ratio (HAR) tips 200 μm x 20 μm;
Custom tips available upon request
Sample Viewing: Digital magnification, 0.275 to 2.2 mm vertical FOV Sample Stage X/Y: Manual 100 mm (4 in.) X/Y, manual leveling;
Motorized 150 mm (6 in.) X/Y, manual leveling;
Motorized encoded 200mm (8in.) X/Y
Stylus Sensor: Low Inertia Sensor (LIS 3) Sample R-Theta Stage: Manual, continuous 360 degrees;
Motorized, continuous 360 degrees
Stylus Force: 1 to 15 mg with LIS 3 sensor;
0.03 to 15 mg range with optional N-Lite+
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