布鲁克的自动化原子力显微镜(AAFM)为最前沿的技术节点和晶圆制造提供了久经验证的工业化量测方案,包括表面粗糙度分析(Roughness measurement)、化学机械平坦化(CMP)评估到蚀刻深度测定( Etch-depth measurements )等关键应用。
原子力轮廓扫描(Atomic Force Profiling )是目前监控和优化复杂的CMP及蚀刻工艺步骤,最精确且非破坏性的方法。这项技术可以直接测量芯片的任意有效区域,无需依赖测试结构或理论模型,因此能够敏锐捕捉到任何细微的工艺波动,确保您的生产流程始终处于最优状态。
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Bruker partners with our customers to solve real-world application issues. We develop next-generation technologies and help customers select the right system and accessories. This partnership continues through training and extended service, long after the tools are sold.
Our highly trained team of support engineers, application scientists and subject-matter experts are wholly dedicated to maximizing your productivity with system service and upgrades, as well as application support and training.