XRF Data Processing in Art and Conservation with ESPRIT Reveal

On-Demand Session - 65 Minutes

Investigating Elemental Composition of Art Objects

XRF analysis provides elemental information and is a key component for art studies. The data supports activities ranging from the conservation and preservation of objects, to the reconstruction of the history of an art object. Bruker offers best in class solutions for the field from super portable handheld systems to highly sophisticated mapping instruments.

Once the XRF measurement is completed, a thorough analysis of the data allows an interpretation. The recently released ESPRIT Reveal software is easy to use and offers a wide range of functions for the investigation of the composition of the material and the distribution of the elemental concentration. The software is designed to meet all needs of the community for data processing and allows for a deeper understanding of the material properties and production processes.

In this webinar we will present the capabilities and demonstrate the operation of ESPRIT Reveal. We will show how to process data from XRF spectra and from XRF maps for Art & Conservation studies.

With ESPRIT Reveal you can show the distribution of an individual element or of a group of elements across the samples surface with only a few clicks

Who Should Attend?

  • Researchers, professionals and students in cultural heritage conducting XRF analysis
  • Archeologists or Art Scientists working in-situ in Cultural Heritage sites
  • Those interested in broadening their understanding of micro-XRF analysis of artifacts in general


Michele Gironda

Head of Global Segment Management, Bruker Nano Analytics

Dr. Henning Schröder

Product Manager micro-XRF, Bruker Nano Analytics

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