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NMR, EPR 및 TD-NMR 식품 분석 솔루션
핵자기공명(NMR)은 혼합물 내 각 화합물의 특징적 피크를 제공합니다. 샘플 내 모든 화학물을 동시에 식별하고 절대량을 측정할 수 있습니다. Bruker는 식품 분석에 특화된 기술을 제공합니다.
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Honey-Profiling (NMR)
Enables honey producers to screen their samples for adulteration and authenticity, in order to ensure their brand’s reputation.
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Wine-Profiling (NMR)
This comprehensive solution offers a quick, fully automated and cost-efficient tool to ensure wine quality and authenticity, protecting brand integrity and consumer confidence
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Juice-Profiling (NMR)
For each fruit juice a multitude of parameters related to quality and authenticity is evaluated simultaneously from a single data set acquired within a few minutes.
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Olive Oil Profiling (NMR)
Strengthen your brand’s image and ensure your product’s quality and authenticity with NMR-based Olive Oil-Profiling
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Freshness Monitoring (EPR)
EPR Freshness Analysis in Beer and Oxidation Monitoring in Edible Oils
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Solid Fat Content (TD-NMR)
QC applications such as the total fat determination as well as the droplet-size determination of dairy products like mayonnaise and margarine.
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Dynamic Fat Crystallization (TD-NMR)
For manufacturers who need to make timely decisions on the quality of fat ingredients used in their products, Bruker now offers a new method for the characterization of crystallization in less than two hours.
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Total Fat and Moisture (TD-NMR)
Total Fat and Moisture by TD-NMR measured in a few seconds with minimum calibration efforts
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Droplet Size in Emulsions (TD-NMR)
New TD-NMR solution for Droplet Size Analysis - Introducing GoScan for minispec and improved data analysis
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Seeds Analyzer (TD-NMR)
The Analyzer for your Oil and Moisture Analysis in Seeds and Nuts
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관련 제품
FoodScreener (NMR)
The FoodScreener enables the detection of unpredicted and even unknown fraud. Complex statistical models allow the testing of origin authenticity, production process control, false labeling, sample similarity, and species purity.
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minispec mq-one
The mq-one is the newest addition to the minispec mq series TD-NMR systems. The award winning mq series covers a wide range of applications and offers expansion capabilities for both routine NMR quality control and R&D. The mq-one takes the minispec mq series product line further into the realm of routine industrial applications.
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Michael Roberts: Food Authenticity (Episode 1)
Bruker is proud to host Professor Michael Roberts, Executive Director of the Resnick Center for Food Law and Policy, discussing food authenticity and consequences of food fraud on the ecosystem.
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Ron Phipps: Honey Authenticity (Episode 2)
Bruker is proud to host Ron Phipps, president and founder of CPNA International and Vice President of Apimondia Scientific Commission on Beekeeping Economy discussing the impact of food fraud on the honey industry and steps that have been taken to combat the sale of illicit honey.
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Peter Awram and Gillian Wade: Food Authenticity (Episode 3)
In this episode, we are happy to host Dr. Peter Awram, second-generation beekeeper at Worker Bee Honey Company, the largest beekeeping operation in British Columbia, Canada and Gillian L. Wade leading MJFW’s consumer fraud and class action litigation department, talking about about the work being done to address honey fraud, including developing globally recognised testing standards and raising awareness among consumers.
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Scientific On-Demand Webinars
Get free access to our most successful on-demand webinars grouped by application with just one login in our new digital content experience hub.
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Bruker Partners with Western Australia to Validate Health Benefits of Soluna™ Apples
Launch of a groundbreaking project to demonstrate the nutritional and health benefits of the high polyphenol apple variety ANABP 01, Soluna™
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쿠키 설정
벌꿀 성분분석에서의 NMR - 새로운 기준
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쿠키 설정
와인 진품 감별 방법: NMR 및 ETS 실험실 디지털 서명으로 무결성 방어
이 동영상을 재생하려면 쿠키를 허용해야 합니다.
쿠키 설정
NMR FoodScreener - Koswig 박사, SGF International
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