X선 회절분석기(XRD)

X선 회절분석기

재료 특성의 비파괴 특성화 | Bruker의 X선 회절 포트폴리오는 근본적인 연구에서 산업 품질 관리에 이르기까지 모든 자료를 상세히 분석하여 오늘날 고객에게 미래 지향적인 솔루션을 제공합니다.


Bruker X-ray Automation

Bruker X-ray diffractometers can be automated using sample robots or conveyor belts.

BAXS Headquarters & other offices & our Virtual Showroom

Visit the demo facilities in our headquarters in Karlsruhe (Germany) or just take a virtual tour on our showroom in Karlsruhe to see and learn more about our analytical solutions. Or take a virtual tour on our showroom in Madison (USA).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts from sales or customer support.

Bruker AXS SE
Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 49, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel. +49 721 50997-0

Madison office
Bruker AXS LLC
5465 East Cheryl Parkway, Madison, WI 53711-5373, USA
Tel. +1 608 276 3000
