In this webinar, Bruker’s nanoscale IR experts guide the viewer through:
This webinar introduces two main techniques for nanoscale IR measurements: Photothermal AFM-IR (PTIR/AFM-IR) and IR-based Scattering Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy (IR s-SNOM).
The presenter – Bruker expert Cassandra Phillips, Ph.D. – differentiates AFM-IR and s-SNOM by comparing them to more familiar techniques:
Dr. Phillips delves into the fundamentals behind AFM-IR and s-SNOM. Both complementary modes are combined in Bruker’s nanoIR3-s platform.
Find out more about the technology featured in this webinar or our other solutions for Photothermal AFM-IR and s-SNOM:
Cassandra Phillips, Ph.D.
Application Scientist, BrukerCassandra did her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto exploring the photophysics of boron nitride nanotubes using scattering scanning nearfield optical microscopy (s-SNOM) and computational models. She has been working at Bruker Nano Surfaces and Metrology since September 2019 as an Applications Scientist focusing on nanoscale IR spectro-microscopy and other correlated imaging techniques realized with atomic force microscopy.
Dr. Anirban Roy
Senior Applications Scientist