





ユーザー選択可能な自動化により、豊富なトレーニングなしで高品質な結果を実現 - 熟練した結晶学者が完全に制御可能

D8 QUEST ECO - ECOフレンドリー、ECOノミカル、ECOパフォーマンス

D8 QUEST ECOは、NMRや質量分析計を補完する高速3次元構造を提供する、フル機能で使いやすい研究装置であり、サービス結晶学の全領域を可能にします。化学結晶学用X線装置D8 QUEST ECOは、最新のフォトンカウンティングCPAD検出器による高速データ収集が可能で、優れたデータ品質とこれまでにないデータ収集効率を実現しています。

D8 QUEST ECOは、他の光源、検出器、アクセサリとのアップグレードが可能であり、研究内容に合わせて装置を成長させることができます。

  • 2θおよび距離範囲を調整可能なPHOTON III大面積フォトンカウンティングディテクター
  • FIXED-CHI高精度ゴニオメータ、効率的なジオメトリ
  • 長寿命の密閉型X線源、単相電源で動作可能
  • 外部水冷が不要で、ラボのインフラに特別な要件が不要
  • TUEV認証の先進的な安全筐体
  • APEX5 - 化学結晶学のための最も包括的なソフトウェアスイート
  • STRUCTURE NOW ソフトウェアによる完全自動の結晶構造解析

Synthetic chemistry

Many molecules essential to modern life need to be synthesized in the laboratory and designed for specific functions. The precise connectivity of atoms and their orientation in three dimensions dictates these functions. Crystallography is the only method that unambiguously determines the absolute structure of molecules and is key to successful synthetic chemistry.

Inorganic chemistry

The broad scope of research in inorganic chemistry produces a huge variety of new reaction products. Crystallography is a fast and convenient method to confirm the atomic composition and connectivity of these compounds. Inorganic chemistry departments around the world take advantage of the versatility of crystallography to drive research across the entire field.

Materials sciences

Modern society increasingly demands new materials to drive development in a sustainable manner. New energy storage materials, reducing air pollution, water conservation, new electronics devices – all of these fields rely on a detailed structural understanding of the underlying chemistry.

Geological sciences

With just a few exceptions, minerals are natural occurring crystals and the geological world is mostly a crystalline world. Crystallography is widely used to quickly and accurately characterize the mineral components of geological samples. Knowing the chemical structure of minerals helps geochemists to understand their role in large-scale geological processes and sheds new light on the sustainable use of natural resources.

Industrial chemistry

Whether you work in specialty chemicals, energy, plastics, agrochemicals or any other segment, the industry is getting more complex, increasing the drive for the development of more advanced chemicals. Absolute structures determined by crystallography are essential for polymorph analysis, catalysis research, and increasingly in the development of sustainable polymers.

Pharmaceutical sciences

Whether you are researching new active pharmaceutical ingredients or developing solid state formulations, crystallography provides answers critical to your success. Absolute configuration is essential to the development and certification of new active pharmaceutical ingredients. Crystallography further provides a complete description of unit cell packing required for optimizing the solid form drug being a high-resolution complement to routine powder X-Ray diffraction.

Energy storage and battery research

Metal-ion batteries are key enablers in today’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy with ingeniously designed materials being the technology driver. Crystallography plays a crucial role in understanding how to wisely manipulate atoms to build attractive structural frameworks of better electrodes and electrolytes for the next generation of batteries.

