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D8 QUEST ECO—环保、经济、高效

D8 QUEST ECO是一台功能齐全、易于使用的研究仪器,提供快速的三维结构,与核磁共振和质谱相辅相成,实现了全方位的服务结晶学。D8 QUEST ECO化学晶体学X射线系统能够进行高速数据采集,采用最新的光子计数CPAD探测器,确保出色的数据质量和前所未有的数据采集效率。

D8 QUEST ECO可以用其他光源、探测器和附件进行升级,使仪器与您的研究一起成长。

  • PHOTON III 大面积光子计数探测器,具有可调的2-theta和距离范围
  • FIXED-CHI高精度测角器,具有高效的几何结构
  • 长寿命的密封管X射线源在单相电源下运行
  • 无需外部水冷,对实验室基础设施没有特殊要求
  • 先进的、经TUEV认证的安全防护罩
  • APEX--用于化学晶体学的最全面的软件套件
  • STRUCTURE NOW软件用于全自动的晶体结构测定

Synthetic chemistry

Many molecules essential to modern life need to be synthesized in the laboratory and designed for specific functions. The precise connectivity of atoms and their orientation in three dimensions dictates these functions. Crystallography is the only method that unambiguously determines the absolute structure of molecules and is key to successful synthetic chemistry.

Inorganic chemistry

The broad scope of research in inorganic chemistry produces a huge variety of new reaction products. Crystallography is a fast and convenient method to confirm the atomic composition and connectivity of these compounds. Inorganic chemistry departments around the world take advantage of the versatility of crystallography to drive research across the entire field.

Materials sciences

Modern society increasingly demands new materials to drive development in a sustainable manner. New energy storage materials, reducing air pollution, water conservation, new electronics devices – all of these fields rely on a detailed structural understanding of the underlying chemistry.

Geological sciences

With just a few exceptions, minerals are natural occurring crystals and the geological world is mostly a crystalline world. Crystallography is widely used to quickly and accurately characterize the mineral components of geological samples. Knowing the chemical structure of minerals helps geochemists to understand their role in large-scale geological processes and sheds new light on the sustainable use of natural resources.

Industrial chemistry

Whether you work in specialty chemicals, energy, plastics, agrochemicals or any other segment, the industry is getting more complex, increasing the drive for the development of more advanced chemicals. Absolute structures determined by crystallography are essential for polymorph analysis, catalysis research, and increasingly in the development of sustainable polymers.

Pharmaceutical sciences

Whether you are researching new active pharmaceutical ingredients or developing solid state formulations, crystallography provides answers critical to your success. Absolute configuration is essential to the development and certification of new active pharmaceutical ingredients. Crystallography further provides a complete description of unit cell packing required for optimizing the solid form drug being a high-resolution complement to routine powder X-Ray diffraction.

Energy storage and battery research

Metal-ion batteries are key enablers in today’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy with ingeniously designed materials being the technology driver. Crystallography plays a crucial role in understanding how to wisely manipulate atoms to build attractive structural frameworks of better electrodes and electrolytes for the next generation of batteries.

