How to Select a Probe Considering Spring Constant, Resonance Frequency, Coatings, and Tip Shape
This webinar begins with a comprehensive review of the key parameters under consideration during the probe selection process, including: cantilever shape, spring constant, resonance frequency, quality factor, cantilever bandwidth, coatings, and tip shape and radius.
AFM Probe Selection and Considerations for Biological Samples | 15 Minutes
Recommended Probes for Bio Applications: High Resolution, High Speed, Cell Imaging, Hemispherical Probes, and the new MLCT-DC-SPH
The second part of ths webinar focuses on the best-fit AFM probes for accurate measurements and imaging of biological samples. In addition to providing an overview of the parameters of each recommended probe, the speakers describe their ideal applications—highlighting the best-fit AFM probes for samples of live and fixed cells, single molecules and organixed molecular structures, DNA, bacteria, membranes, and hydrogels and other soft materials.
AFM Probe Selection and Considerations for Materials Science Research | 15 Minutes
Recommended Probes for Material Science Applications: Topography, High Resolution, High Speed, Trenches, Force Curves and Nanoelectrical Contact
The third section of the webinar focuses on the considerations and process for selecting the correct AFM probe for various materials science research applications. The speakers highlight the recommended probes for topographic mapping and mechanical measurement as well as high resolution and high speed imaging of such samples.
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Mickael Febvre, Ph.D. Application Manager, Bruker EMEA