In this webinar, Professor Bijoy Kundu will describe the application of PET imaging for understanding the early metabolic changes that arise in animal models of hypertension-induced LVH and heart failure. Kundu and team have developed dynamic/kinetic imaging techniques and obtaining time-resolved images from PET scanners to assess the metabolic changes that occur in the heart when it is subjected to pressure overload. Clinicians might be interested in using PET to detect metabolic changes in patients with early stages of heart failure, with a view to prevent the structural changes that are seen later with MRI.
This webinar took place on December 13th, 2018
Dr. Kundu will review the imaging modalities applied in his lab, with a focus on Bruker’s Albira trimodal PET∕SPECT∕CT scanner for cardiovascular imaging. The projects the group has been working on will be described and a basic understanding of what happens to the heart when it is under stress will be given and how novel PET imaging methods could contribute to new early diagnosis and treatments.
Basic scientists, research assistants and other academics who already use PET, as well as those working with MRI but who are curious about PET, would all benefit from attending. Clinicians in academia and diagnostics who are interested in imaging disease, particularly the dynamic imaging of cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Bijoy K. Kundu
Associate Professor - Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging University of Virginia School of Medicine