Animal brain MRI in ultra-high field
Animal brain MRI in ultra-high field

Mouse fMRI at Ultrahigh fields

On Demand Session

Webinar Overview

Seong-Gi Kim, who makes use of both a BioSpec 9.4 T and a BioSpec 15.2 T, details his fMRI work, expanding on anesthesia considerations, comparing the two field strengths, and sharing exciting discoveries made possible with the BioSpec 15.2 T. These focus on studies of excitatory vs inhibitory neurons including those on cortex-less knockout models, due to the fact that excitatory neurons are assumed to dominate in the cortex as well as studies demonstrating detection of information flow with forepaw vs optogenetic stimulations.



Seong-Gi Kim, Ph.D

Director of Neuroscience Imaging Research Center in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), and Professor of Biomedical Engineering in Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)

He did his graduate works on in vivo NMR spectroscopy (1984-88) at Washington University, and postdoc training on structural biology at the University of Washington. In 1991, he moved to the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research in the University of Minnesota and involved into the first human fMRI studies in 1992. After advancing his rank to full Professor, he moved to the University of Pittsburgh at 2002. He was appointed as the inaugural Paul C. Lauterbur Chair in Imaging Research at 2009, which was created for honoring a Nobel laureate and MRI inventor. Recently he returned to Korea for setting up a new imaging center. His major research focus is to develop magnetic resonance imaging techniques for measuring brain physiology and function, to determine relationships between neural activity and hemodynamic responses, and to apply imaging tools for answering neuroscience questions.


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