Atomic Force Microscope


Most complete TERS system


Innova-IRIS combines industry-leading AFM performance and Bruker-exclusive TERS probes to deliver the world's only complete, guaranteed tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) solution. It merges seamlessly with the Renishaw inVia micro-Raman system while fully preserving the capabilities of each separate component. The result is a productive and completely integrated platform for correlated micro- and nanoscale property mapping that extends the boundaries of AFM applications to nanospectroscopy and nanochemical analyses.

AFM and Raman microscopy
Delivers high-performance TERS with complete SPM capabilities.
TERS probes
Exhibit zero spectral interference for highest spatial resolution and guaranteed TERS.
hardware and software
Mitigate the complexity of traditional TERS setups.

Designed Specifically to Enable TERS

The publication record proves that an off-axis reflection geometry is the best solution for maximizing the light capture while fully accounting for tip-shadowing and polarization effects. The Innova-IRIS utilizes a novel optical architecture that accesses the tip-sample junction from the front side of the probe to provide an ideal optical path free of obstructions. The co-designed integration of the Bruker Innova sample-scanning AFM with the Renishaw inVia Micro-Raman System uniquely retains the optical "hot-spot" alignment during scanning to enable the stringent requirements for integrated TERS imaging. Tip integrity and positioning are preserved over the long signal integration times required for such sensitive research.

Correlation of Complementary Data

Innova-IRIS graphene flakes
Correlated AFM topography (left) and Raman chemical map (right) of individual graphene flakes using Innova-IRIS and inVia system.

The Innova-IRIS integration with the Renishaw inVia fully preserves the uncompromised performance, power and flexibility of both the AFM and Raman microscopes. Each utilizes its own full-featured, realtime control and data analysis package. The result is a single integrated system that enables the correlation of complementary nanoscale topographic, thermal, electrical, and mechanical information.

Contact us to discuss your measurement requirements and options for system specialization, or submit a sample run request to learn how a Bruker AFM is best suited for your applications.

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