

全新的在线平台Bruker Connexus支持需要使用先进分析技术的客户与拥有高科技科研仪器的实验室相连接。加入这一全新的平台,与科学家们建立沟通网络,推进您的研究。





  • 平台安全可靠,涵盖物流、支付等所有流程,交易安全且放心。
  • 当仪器无法使用时,可以将一些样品分析外包出去以提升产出率
  • 通过使用先进的分析技术、更高的场强和不同的探头,进一步推动科研发展。
  • 通过新的合作机会和额外的专业知识来扩大人际网络。


  • 最大限度地提升谱仪利用率(最高可以实现24小时全年无休),以降低谱仪的总成本。
  • 赚取额外的收入,可用于改善实验室或升级仪器。
  • 接触其他有趣或创新的研究领域。
  • 加入开创性的协作网络,分享宝贵经验,共同为科学的进步作出贡献。





  1. 在布鲁克的Lab Network上为您的公司注册成功后,我们的客户服务代表将给您发送登录所需的凭证。
  2. 根据价格、距离或其他用户的评价,选择最适合您所需分析技术的服务供应商。
  3. 向所需的实验室下单,然后收到其确认和任何其他指示。
  4. 预定时需要满足符合所有隐私标准的完整数据安全功能。布鲁克保证所有用户的数据安全,并严格按照全球安全标准处理您的付款。
  5. 将您的样品打包并寄送至所需的实验室。
  6. 在平台中跟踪分析过程。
  7. 在平台中安全提交付款,并在获取分析结果之后完成交易。
  8. 在社群中分享您的使用体验,并为实验室评分。




  1. 在布鲁克的Lab Network上注册了您的公司之后,客户服务代表就会向您发送登录所需的凭证。
  2. 在平台上添加您的仪器细节和您提供的服务。
  3. 一旦您收到订单请求,您可以查看相关信息以确认或拒绝该请求。
  4. 在客户选定的仪器上为客户提供的样品进行测量或分析。
  5. 将客户的分析结果上传至平台。

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  • Instrument types available: NMR and TD-NMR spectrometers.
  • List of preset experiments that can be offered by Service Providers: 13C-NMR, 15N-NMR, 19F-NMR, 1H-NMR, 31P-NMR, COSY, DEPT, HMBC, HMQC, HOESY, Honey-Profiling FoodScreener, HSQC, INADEQUATE, INEPT, Juice-Profiling FoodScreener, NOESY, ROESY, Single pulse, TD-NMR, TOCSY, Wine-Profiling FoodScreener. Further experiments can be added on request.
  • Optional service-related settings that can be offered by the service providers: high-priority, sample preparation, solvent additions for samples, consulting services, spectrum interpretation.
  • Cross-border sample shipment: Connexus Clients and Service Providers in Europe can collaborate across national borders
  • Flexible sample delivery addresses: A Service Provider can connect instruments at multiple locations
  • Types of payment available: credit card or bank transfer/direct debit


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May 26, 2023
New Solution for Academic and Public Institutions

Connexus now offers a dedicated solution for non-profit organizations to set up their account with Stripe. This supports academic and public institutions to become operational service providers and offer their instruments and services through Connexus.

November 18, 2022
New Payment Method for Connexus: Bank Transfer

In addition to credit cards, Connexus introduces bank transfer/direct debit as an additional payment method. This is available to registered customers in all European countries where Connexus is offered. With this new feature, Connexus enables customers to work and transact smoothly on the platform.

August 9, 2022
Add your TD-NMR instruments to Connexus

TD-NMR is now available on Connexus, in addition to the classic NMR instrumentation technique supported by the platform. This allows customers to use Connexus for TD-NMR applications in various industries, such as the analysis of contrast agents, toothpaste, polymers, fat and moisture in food samples.

April 6, 2022
Gain access to a larger lab network with Connexus

Connexus now brings together customers in participating European Union countries and extends the network  for NMR analytical solutions beyond national borders. As an integrated platform, Connexus also handles logistics and payment for a seamless transaction.

January 26, 2022
Bruker BioSpin Group Introduces New Online Platform to Connect NMR Scientists and Advance NMR Research in Europe

Bruker BioSpin Introduces Connexus: A NMR Capacity Sharing Cloud-based Platform for Collaboration between Scientists and Analytical Labs in Europe.


Anne Baudouin, Responsable du Centre Commun de RMN

CCRNM, Villeurbanne, France

We joined Connexus because we believe it's a great idea to connect NMR experts. Through this platform, we provide access to our numerous spectrometers and probes via our NMR analysis services, gain visibility, and make valuable connections. In addition, Connexus offers us exciting opportunities to collaborate with both academic and industrial laboratories.

Dr. Marc Vitorino, Head of NMR

NovAliX, Strasbourg, France

As part of the initial subscribers of Connexus, NovAliX does fully benefit from the platform. We did enlarge our visibility to the people in need for specific NMR instrument time in an ISO 9001 certified environment, but moreover we managed to open new possibilities at NovAliX by easily gaining access to ultra-high field NMR systems. Bruker does take care of paperwork, data management and even sample shipping if needed ! After several months of usage now, we are very confident, that 2023 will bring many connections to and for us.

Dr. Markus Kroll, Head of PhysChem & NMR
Nuvisan, Berlin, Germany

We are happy to be part of the Connexus platform right from the start. Nuvisan is one of the first adopters of this service and we look forward to a fruitful collaboration. In our Life Science Chemistry Services unit at Nuvisan Innovation Campus Berlin GmbH we offer services on our NMR machines with up to 600 MHz with cryo-probe. With our SampleJets and sample organizers we offer fast services and further analytical investigations with short turnaround times. Our experienced Structure Service unit provides extensive structure elucidations and validations, including temperature-based measurements. In close collaboration with our structural biology unit, we offer fragment-based screenings using, for example, STD-NMR.



  • 全集成化平台,涵盖包括支付和物流在内的全部交易。
  • 全球化的云计算软件,支持任何浏览器访问,无需安装或更新客户端


  • 通过HTTPs的加密标准TLS确保数据安全。
  • 所有平台参与者之间进行加密的点对点通信。
  • 安全且可信赖的认证标准RFC 7519。


  • 符合《通用数据保护条例(GDPR)》,并通过CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)保证被遗忘的权利。


  • 集成在平台上的支付服务供应商(Stripe)已经审核通过了PCI DSS认证(支付卡行业数据安全标准)并被认证为一级PCI服务供应商。
