Elemental map taken using micro-XRF on SEM
Elemental map taken using micro-XRF on SEM
BRUKER NANO ANALYTICS PRESENTS: Micro-XRF Back to the Roots Series - Part IV 

An Introduction to micro-XRF on SEM

On-Demand Session - 52 Minutes

 Increasing your SEM capabilities by augmentation with micro-XRF

The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a standard analytical tool in numerous fields. It is now possible to augment a SEM with the addition of a micro-XRF source in combination with an EDS detector, thus converting your SEM into a dual source system with additional analytical capabilities. 

This webinar will provide an introduction to micro-XRF on SEM and show the increased capabilities it can bring to your SEM system across numerous analytical fields. This will include looking at various applications, including geology, mining, forensics, industrial, and semiconductors. The types of analysis covered will include point analysis, line scans and mapping, as well as how such XRF excitation analysis can be part of your routine workflow. In addition, our XTrace X-ray source, when combined with the Rapid Stage, allows Large Area Mapping of samples within the SEM chamber. Such capabilities highlight the power and versatility of augmenting a SEM with micro-XRF. 

In this webinar we will demonstrate the benefits of increasing the analytical capabilities of a SEM by the addition of a micro-XRF source, with examples across a wide range of applications, incorporating both element distribution mapping as well as quantification, including of trace elements. The webinar will also include a short demo of operating the micro-XRF source using Bruker´s software suite ESPRIT.


Who Should Attend?

  • All SEM users across all applications


If you found this webinar insightful we encourage you to watch our other “Back to the Roots” micro-XRF Webinars:


If you found this webinar insightful we encourage you to watch our other “Back to the Roots” micro-XRF Webinars:

SEM-XRF scan of the major and minor elements in a atacamite-bearing sample from a historic Cu-ore producing region in Chile.
SEM-XRF scan of sand that clearly identifies the various mineral grains present.


Dr. Andrew Menzies

Senior Application Scientist - Geology and Mining, Bruker Nano Analytics

Stephan Boehm

Product Manager - micro-XRF on SEM and WDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

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