When Instruments Drive Science: From single neuron diffusion fMRI to GlucoCEST fMRI at 17T
When Instruments Drive Science: From single neuron diffusion fMRI to GlucoCEST fMRI at 17T

When Instruments Drive Science: From single neuron diffusion fMRI to GlucoCEST fMRI at 17T

On Demand Session

Webinar Overview

Prof. Denis Le Bihan has played a substantial role in the initiation and development of diffusion imaging in MRI. In his talk, he takes us on an historical tour of diffusion imaging, explaining how he performs diffusion-based fMRI, and culminating with his most recent discoveries using GlucoCEST fMRI.

The NeuroSpin facilities are home to a mock-MRI, three human MRIs at field strengths of 3 T, 7 T, and 11.7 T and three Bruker preclinical MRI instruments at 7 T, 11.7 T, and 17.2 T, as well as to Prof. Denis Le Bihan’s lab where ground-breaking work on diffusion and GlucoCEST fMRI takes place. In his talk, Le Bihan provides an historical overview of diffusion starting with Brown, Fick, and Einstein before explaining how he combines diffusion with fMRI as an alternative to and faster responding method than traditional BOLD fMRI.

Key Learnings


  • History of diffusion studies
  • Advent of diffusion MRI
  • Application to fMRI



  • Comparison of traditional BOLD to diffusion-based
  • GlucoCEST

Who should attend?

Researchers wishing to gain an understanding of fMRI alternatives to BOLD and the advantages, applications, and advances made possible with this method will find this webinar insightful and scientifically stimulating.


Prof. Denis Le Bihan
Founding Director NeuroSpin

Prof. Le Bihan describes diffusion fMRI and explains how the signal source is not vascular as in BOLD, nor linked to astrocytes, but rather linked to neuron specific cell swelling based on swelling and elongation of dendritic spines during activation. He explains how this technique provides a faster and anesthesia-independent alternative to BOLD. He demonstrates how ADC increases inside of neurons with activation, while at the ganglia level, the ADC decreases and how GlucoCEST fMRI can be used to detect a decrease in glucose concentration with forepaw stimulation whereas BOLD gives a positive response.


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