利用ARTAX和M6 JETSTREAM仪器的无损分析能力,研究美术作品的起源和真实性。
Macro X-ray fluorescence scanning (MA-XRF) as tool in the authentication of paintings
Saverwyns, S., Currie, C., Lamas-Delgado, E.
Microchemical Journal, 137, 139-147, 2018
阅读M6 JETSTREAM在2018年“聚光灯下的女孩”项目中的实际操作,其中使用MA-XRF技术绘制了著名维米尔画作中颜料分布的图谱。
Mapping the pigment distribution of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring
Delaney, J.K., Dooley, K.A., van Loon, A., Vandivere, A.
Heritage Science, 8:4, 2020
Bruker CRONO MA-XRF在研究蒙克《呐喊》中颜料成分时的操作。
Monico, L., Cartechini, L., Rosi, F., Chieli, A., Grazia, C., De Meyer, S., Nuyts, G., Vanmeert, F., Janssens, K., Cotte, M., De Nolf, W., Falkenberg, G., Sandu, I.C.A., Tveit, E.S., Mass, J., de Freitas, R.P., Romani, A., Miliani, C.
Science Advances, 6: eaay3514, 2020