BioAFM Webinars

Biomechanical Analysis of Tissues, Organoids and 3D Cellular Structures using AFM

Discover groundbreaking insights unveiled by Dr. Lydia Powell using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Biomechanical Analysis of Tissues, Organoids, and 3D Cellular Structures using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).

Watch this on-demand webinar with special guest speaker Dr. Lydia Powell, Swansea University Medical School,  on the Biomechanical Analysis of Tissues, Organoids, and 3D Cellular Structures using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).

This webinar includes:

  • A fascinating overview of how 3D models are advancing our understanding of disease and therapeutics
  • SmartMapping Demo, LIVE from our labs in Berlin, Germany
  • Q&A session with the team

AFM Mechanical Mapping of Large-Scale 3D Cellular Models

The dramatic rise in the use of 3D cellular in vitro models has been driven by the need to better understand the complex biological and biomechanical mechanisms occurring in disease and therapeutic treatment. 3D cellular models endeavor to mimic the cellular architecture and environment conditions found in vivo, however, standard characterization techniques fail to effectively capture the spatial biomechanics at large-scale. In Swansea University Medical School, we have used Atomic Force Microscopy, together with the 3D spheroid cellular model, to unravel the role of multicellular aggregates in ovarian cancer drug resistance and metastasis within the peritoneal cavity. Furthermore, we have used the latest advancement of SmartMapping to achieve force maps of entire ovarian cancer spheroids surfaces (>150µm), revealing their heterogenous nature.

Find out more about the technology featured in this webinar or our other solutions for Biomechanical analysis:

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Guest Speaker

Lydia Powell, Ph.D., Swansea University Medical School, Wales, UK

Dr. Lydia C Powell is a lecturer within Swansea University Medical School. Lydia’s research, operating at the interface between engineering and biomedical sciences, has been pivotal in understanding the biophysical and mechanical properties of complex 3D multicellular aggregates, such as bacterial biofilm structures and ovarian cancer spheroids. Lydia has translated this understanding into the design and delivery of new therapies for cystic fibrosis and chronic wound biofilm-related infections, where this research has informed the patenting and progression of novel anti-biofilm therapeutics into clinical trials (AlgiPharma AS and Qbiotics).