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On-Demand Session: In Situ Cryogenic Testing

Discover how experts are using PI Cryo to investigate low-temperature deformation processes
Watch Now | 16 Minutes

In Situ Cryogenic Testing

Presented by Sanjit Bhowmick, Ph.D., Senior Staff Scientist, Bruker (September 06, 2023)


  •   [00:00:10] Hysitron PI 89 SEM PicoIndenter product overview & testing modes
  • [00:02:15] Hysitron PI 89 - Automation and Property Mapping
  • [00:03:14] Motivations for cryogenic testing
  • [00:05:16] PI 89 SEM Cryo System Set up
  • [00:08:30] Example work through: Tungsten indentation at cryogenic temperatures
  • [00:09:50] Comparison of PI 89 and TI980 measurements
Watch Now | 33 Minutes

Examples of in situ Cryogenic Testing using the PI-89

Presented by Gregory Thompson, Professor at University of Alabama, (September 06, 2023)


Test case 1: Classical ductile-to-brittle temperature transition (DBTT)

  • [00:05:00] Sample preparation of micro-cantilever
  • [00:10:46] Experiment observations and forward opportunities

Test Case 2:  Anti-thermal boundary behavior

  • [00:12:30] Purpose of experiment
  • [00:16:06] Specimen preparation and micro-pillar compression fabrication
  • [00:19:24] Experiment observations: Cu-2AI load-displacement response and microstructure evolution
  • [00:25:49] Experiment observations: Cu-8AI load-displacement response and microstructure evolution
  • [00:30:08] Summary and Conclusion
Watch Now | 7 Minutes



  • [00:00:00] What is the effect of the notch sharpness?
  • [00:02:05] Have you taken into account the variations of the mechanical properties of the substrate at cryo temperatures?
  • [00:04:13] Where you running the experiments in load or displacement control?
  • [00:05:00] Do you think that grain boundary migration and rotation might have a higher probability of generation under shear than under uniaxial compression?