Test & Measurement

Nanomechanical Instruments for SEM/TEM

Hysitron PicoIndenters for in-situ mechanical experiments in scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes

Quantitative In-Situ Nanomechanics Inside Your SEM or TEM

As the world leader in nanomechanical testing systems, Bruker makes it easy for you to conduct in-situ mechanical experiments in your microscope with the Hysitron PI Series PicoIndenters. Our unique transducer design delivers unmatched stability throughout your experiments, resulting in precise data even at the nanoscale. Video capture from the microscope enables real-time monitoring and direct correlation of mechanical data to microscope imaging. With solutions designed to fit many of the microscope brands in use, you are sure to find one that is ideally suited to your research.

Testing Modes

Probe it. Bend it. Stress it. Measure it.


Precise lateral positioning and nanoscale load and depth control allow for the quantitative determination of fundamental mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus for a wide variety of materials.


Direct-pull and Push-to-Pull (PTP) testing of dog-bone specimens, thin films, or nanowires allows for the in-situ measurement of stress-strain behavior in low dimensional materials not easily tested by traditional means.


Accurate loading alignment and specimen size measurement using SEM imaging enables straightforward bending stiffness and fracture toughness measurements for single-phase, composite, or layered materials.


Pillars, particles, and other small scale structures can be compressed to measure stress-strain behavior and yield properties while observing deformation mechanisms in real time. Proper tip alignment is verified using SEM imaging.


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View Key Publications with SEM PicoIndenters

  • Aleman, Angel, Hicham Zaid, Koichi Tanaka, Jenn-Ming Yang, Suneel Kodambaka, and Hanna Kindlund. 2024. “Unusual Secondary Slip Activity at Room Temperature in VC Single Crystals.” Materials & Design 244 (August): 113195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113195.
  • An, Qi, Zhe Yan, Lichen Bai, and Shijian Zheng. 2024. “Achieving Superior Matching of Strength, Plasticity, and Strain Hardening in Multilayers by Introducing Metastable Amorphous Interface Phase.” Scripta Materialia 252 (November): 116258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116258.
  • Bignoli, Francesco, Philippe Djemia, Giancarlo Terraneo, Gregory Abadias, Christoph Gammer, Alice Lassnig, Camila A. Teixeira, et al. 2024. “Novel Class of Crystal/Glass Ultrafine Nanolaminates with Large and Tunable Mechanical Properties.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (27): 35686–96. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.4c02610.
  • Bijun Xie, Hangman Chen, Pengfei Wang, Cheng Zhang, Bin Xing, Mingjie Xu, Xin Wang, Lorenzo Valdevit, Julian Rimoli, Xiaoqing Pan, Penghui Cao. 2024. “Divergent Evolution of Slip Banding in Alloys.”
  • Cao, Qingping, Nan Wang, Jae-Moo Kim, Arnaud Caron, Zhipeng Zhang, Haofei Zhou, Xiaodong Wang, Shaoqing Ding, Dongxian Zhang, and Jian-Zhong Jiang. 2024. “A Dual-Phase Fe-Co-Ni-Cr-Mn High Entropy Alloy Thin Film with Superior Strength and Corrosion-Resistance.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1003 (October): 175551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.175551.
  • Dabney, Tyler Alexander. 2024. “Development of Cold Spray Cr Coatings on Zr-Alloy for Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cladding.”
  • Duan, Fenghui, Qian Li, Zhihao Jiang, Lin Zhou, Junhua Luan, Zheling Shen, Weihua Zhou, et al. 2024. “An Order-Disorder Core-Shell Strategy for Enhanced Work-Hardening Capability and Ductility in Nanostructured Alloys.” Nature Communications 15 (1): 6832. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-50984-9.
  • Flamourakis, George, IOANNIS SPANOS, Zacharias Vangelatos, Costas Grigoropoulos, Anthi Ranella, and Maria Farsari. 2024. “Laser-Made Mechanical Metamaterials: Towards the Development of 4D Scaffolds for Cell Growth.” In Nanoscale and Quantum Materials: From Synthesis and Laser Processing to Applications 2024, edited by Andrei v. Kabashin, Maria Farsari, and Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, 11. SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3004008.
  • Gasper, C., I. Y. Gao, F. A. Busch, A. Ziemons, D. Beckers, H. Springer, and S. Korte-Kerzel. 2024. “Preparation of Binary and Ternary Laves and Μ-Phases in the Ta–Fe(–Al) System for Property Analysis at the Microscale.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 55 (7): 2244–63. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-024-07390-z.
  • Ghodki, Nandita, Shristy Jha, Siva Shankar Alla, Yu-Chia Yang, George M. Pharr, and Sundeep Mukherjee. 2024. “Deformation Behavior of Thermally Rejuvenated Zr-Cu-Al-(Ti) Bulk Metallic Glass.” Scientific Reports 14 (1): 20729. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-71658-y.
  • Gunjal, Vilas, Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, Kamanio Chattopadhyay, and Dipankar Banerjee. 2024. “Intermetallic Eutectics with Gigapascal Strength and Enhanced Ductility.” Intermetallics 168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2024.108228.
  • Ha, Sangyul, Saif Haider Kayani, Kyungjun Lee, Suwon Park, Hyunjoo Choi, Jae Bok Seol, Jung Gi Kim, and Hyokyung Sung. 2024. “Microscopic-Plastic Deformation Behavior of Grain Boundary Precipitates in an Al–Zn–Mg Alloy.” Journal of Materials Research and Technology 30 (May): 3420–29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2024.04.044.
  • Hazendonk, Laura S. van, Zafeiris J. Khalil, Wilko van Grondelle, Levina E. A. Wijkhuijs, Ingeborg Schreur-Piet, Michael G. Debije, and Heiner Friedrich. 2024. “Hot Fingers: Individually Addressable Graphene-Heater Actuated Liquid Crystal Grippers.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (25): 32739–47. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.4c06130.
  • Hong, Jong-Dae, Hongryul Oh, Daehyeok Ahn, Dongchan Jang, Hyun-Gil Kim, JaeYong Kim, Hyochan Kim, and Martin Ševeček. 2024. “Micro-Mechanical Evaluations of Adhesion Properties for Cr-Coated Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding.” Nuclear Materials and Energy 41 (December): 101799. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nme.2024.101799.
  • Horbach, Lutz, Jiali Zhang, Tobias Sedlatschek, Felix Weber, Christian Gebhardt, Betto David Joseph, Andreas Bührig-Polaczek, and Christoph Broeckmann. 2024. “The Effect of Silicon on the Critical Resolved Shear Stress of Solid Solution Strengthened Ferritic Ductile Iron.” Materials & Design 244 (August): 113130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113130.
  • Hou, Jingkun, Xianzhang Wu, Zhihan Li, Xingchi Li, Yu Liao, Lei Li, Sha Luo, Yiqiang Wu, and Yan Qing. 2024. “Aligned Bamboo Fiber‐Induced Crystallinity Mitigation of Lightweight Polymer Composite Enables Ultrahigh Strength and Unprecedented Toughness.” Advanced Functional Materials 34 (27). https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202314559.
  • Hu, C., Y.X. Liu, B.B. He, and M.X. Huang. 2025. “Role of Intermetallic Networks in Developing High-Performance Austenitic Steel.” Acta Materialia 283 (January): 120494. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120494.
  • Jang, Dongchan, Woosuk Seo, Daehyeok Ahn, Hadi Ghaffarian, Tae-Ho Lee, Eun-Soo Park, Keumhwan Park, and Yongjo Kim. 2024. “Design and Fabrication of Highly Elastic and Largely Deformable Nanolaminate Amorphous-Crystalline Metallic Electrodes for Deformable Displays.” https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4539893/v1.
  • Janknecht, Rebecca, Rainer Hahn, Nikola Koutná, Tomasz Wójcik, Eleni Ntemou, Andreas Steiger-Thirsfeld, Zhuo Chen, et al. 2024. “A Strategy to Enhance the B-Solubility and Mechanical Properties of Ti–B–N Thin Films.” Acta Materialia 271 (June): 119858. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119858.
  • Jha, Shristy, Siva Shankar Alla, Sanjit Bhowmick, and Sundeep Mukherjee. 2025. “Temperature Dependent Small-Scale Deformation of a Refractory High Entropy Alloy.” Materials Letters 379 (January): 137649. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.137649.
  • Kakaraparty, Karthik, Erik A. Pineda, Baylee Schumacher, Russell C. Reid, and Ifana Mahbub. 2024. “Advanced Bias-Free Energy Harvesting Based on High-Dielectric Flexible Electrodes with Reverse Electrowetting-on-Dielectric.” IEEE Sensors Journal 24 (7). https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2023.3345841.
  • Kim, Ho A., Ju Seong Kim, Yundong Lee, Sangbum Kim, Youho Lee, Yong Soo Kim, Joo Hee Kang, and Sangtae Kim. 2024. “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hydride Blisters Formed on Zircaloy-4 Claddings.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154777.
  • Lam, S., D. Frazer, F. Cappia, M. Nelson, S. Samuha, S. Pitts, B. Harris, and P. Hosemann. 2025. “Length Scale Effects of Micro- and Meso‑scale Tensile Tests of Unirradiated and Irradiated Zircaloy-4 Cladding.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 604 (January): 155469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155469.
  • Lee, Do Hoon, Taesu Lim, Jeongsu Pyeon, Hyunmin Park, Sang‐Won Lee, Seungkyu Lee, Wonsik Kim, et al. 2024. “Self‐Mixed Biphasic Liquid Metal Composite with Ultra‐High Stretchability and Strain‐Insensitivity for Neuromorphic Circuits.” Advanced Materials 36 (16). https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202310956.
  • Lehnert, R., V. Remich, G. Gerstein, M. Motylenko, M. Müller, P. Krooß, T. Niendorf, H. Biermann, and A. Weidner. 2024. “Unraveling Factors Affecting the Reversibility of Martensitic Phase Transformation in FeNiCoAlTi Shape Memory Alloys: Insights from HR-EBSD and Acoustic Emission Analysis.” Acta Materialia 276 (September): 120146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120146.
  • Leide, Alex, Eric Hintsala, Mark Davies, David T. Goddard, and Dong Liu. 2024. “Micromechanical Properties of TRISO Coatings by In-Situ High Temperature Nanoindentation and Microcantilever Fracture.” Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.12.056.
  • Li, Bo, and Xiaolong Song. 2024. “Structural Evolution and Micromechanical Property of Amorphous Carbon Particles during Arc Plasma Synthesis.” Materials Letters 372 (October): 137106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.137106.
  • Li, Lu, Xiali Zhen, Ruixiao Zheng, Chaoli Ma, and Cuiyun Liu. 2024. “Further Understanding of the Improved Mechanical Properties for SiCf/BN/SiC Composites Prepared by CVI+PIP Hybrid Technique: Application of Micro-Mechanical Methods.” Composites Part B: Engineering 283 (August): 111633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111633.
  • Li, Weiming, Lichen Bai, Kaisheng Ming, and Shijian Zheng. 2024. “Plasticity Dependence on Amorphous Continuity in Fe‐SiOC Dual‐phase Nanocomposites.” Journal of Materials Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2023.08.005.
  • Li, Yanxiao, Congjie Wei, Steven E. Kooi, David Veysset, Chuanrui Guo, Yuxiang Gan, Ying Zhuo, et al. 2024. “Tough Monolayer Silver Nanowire-Reinforced Double-Layer Graphene.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, October. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.4c04768.
  • Liang, Zhao, and Eugen Rabkin. 2024. “The Effect of Composition and Long-Range Order on the Strength of Defect-Free Faceted Cu-Au Nanoparticles.” Acta Materialia 266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119680.
  • Liu, Chang, Jing Rao, Zhongji Sun, Wenjun Lu, James P. Best, Xuehan Li, Wenzhen Xia, et al. 2024. “Near-Theoretical Strength and Deformation Stabilization Achieved via Grain Boundary Segregation and Nano-Clustering of Solutes.” Nature Communications 15 (1): 9283. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53349-4.
  • Liu, Shirong, Jingui Ai, Yueqi Zhang, and Jicheng Feng. 2024. “Programmable and Parallel 3D Nanoprinting Using Configured Electric Fields.” Advanced Functional Materials 34 (13). https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202308734.
  • Luo, W., C. Gasper, S. Zhang, P.L. Sun, N. Ulumuddin, A. Petrova, Y. Lysogorskiy, R. Drautz, Z. Xie, and S. Korte-Kerzel. 2024. “Non-Basal Plasticity in the μ-Phase at Room Temperature.” Acta Materialia 277 (September): 120202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120202.
  • Moon, Jaron v., Md Takmil Sakir, Wooseok Go, Rui Xie, Michael C. Tucker, Marca Doeff, Haoran Wang, and Roseanne Warren. 2024. “Microscale Mechanical Property Variations of Al-Substituted LLZO: Insights from Compression Testing and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 12 (37): 24886–95. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4TA03596H.
  • Musiienko, Denys, Jaromír Kopeček, Ross H. Colman, Kari Ullakko, and Oleg Heczko. 2024. “Increase of Twinning Stress in Single Crystalline Ni-Mn-Ga Micropillars.” Materialia 33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2023.101988.
  • Pan, Bo, Hui Sun, Dongyue Xie, Shun Li Shang, Nan Li, Blair E. Carlson, Yumeng Li, Zi Kui Liu, and Jingjing Li. 2024. “Influence of Accelerated Corrosion on Al/Steel RSW Joints by in Situ Compression Tests.” Materials Science and Engineering: A 889. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2023.145851.
  • Paul, Tanaji, Tyler Dolmetsch, Lihua Lou, and Arvind Agarwal. 2024. “Frictional Resistance and Delamination Mechanisms in 2D Tungsten Diselenide Revealed by Multi-Scale Scratch and in-Situ Observations.” Nanotechnology 35 (39): 395703. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ad5dbe.
  • Pena, Miguel, Yongchang Li, Zhihan Hu, Kenneth Cooper, Laura Hawkins, Di Chen, Frank A. Garner, and Lin Shao. 2024. “Micro-Pillar Compression of Proton-Irradiated Chromium Examined Using Cross-Sectional Site Selection, Electron Microscopy, and Molecular Dynamics Simulation.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 600 (November): 155299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155299.
  • Peng, Hui Wen, and Chun Hway Hsueh. 2024. “Effects of Silicon and Neodymium Additions on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Films.” Surface and Coatings Technology 476. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130206.
  • Prasitthipayong, A., D.M. Frazer, R. Zhang, H.T. Vo, S.J. Tumey, A.M. Minor, and P. Hosemann. 2024a. “Sample Size Effect Phenomenon in Microcompression Testing of Unirradiated and Ion-Irradiated 800H Steel at High Temperatures.” Materials Characterization 215 (September): 114046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2024.114046.
  • 2024b. “Sample Size Effect Phenomenon in Microcompression Testing of Unirradiated and Ion-Irradiated 800H Steel at High Temperatures.” Materials Characterization 215 (September): 114046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2024.114046.
  • Puttbach, C., G.S. Prinz, and C.D. Murray. 2024. “Strength and Stiffness Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Cement Paste Phases through in-Situ Micro-Mechanical Testing.” Cement and Concrete Composites 149 (May): 105520. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2024.105520.
  • Rivera, Charles. 2024. “Development of a Thermal Micro Tensile Testing Technique for Select Layer Interfaces of TRISO Particles.”
  • Robinson, Accalia, Eric Hintsala, Eric  R. Homer, and Gregory B. Thompson. 2024. “Temperature Dependent Twin Stability in Nanocrystalline Cu(Al) Under In-Situ Cryogenic Pillar Compression.” https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4902256.
  • Schmalbach, Kevin M, Justin Y Cheng, Eric D Hintsala, Nathan A Mara, Douglas D Stauffer, and Sanjit Bhowmick. 2024. “Accelerated Microstructure-Mechanical Property Mapping of Multi-Component Structural Materials.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 30 (Supplement_1). https://doi.org/10.1093/mam/ozae044.278.
  • Schmuck, K., M. Antenreiter, M. Alfreider, and D. Kiener. 2024. “Automatic and Time-Resolved Determination of Fracture Characteristics from in Situ Experiments.” Materials & Design 243 (July): 113038. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113038.
  • Scorza, Daniela, Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Zanichelli, Sabrina Vantadori, and Raimondo Lucian. 2024. “A Nonlocal Elasticity Theory to Model the Static Behaviour of Edge-Cracked Nanobeams.” Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale 18 (67). https://doi.org/10.3221/IGF-ESIS.67.20.
  • Shah, Sohail, Cameron Howard, Boopathy Kombaiah, Sriswaroop Dasari, Fei Teng, Yachun Wang, Jason Daniel, and Mukesh Bachhav. 2024. “Correlating Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Harvested High Dose Zorita Light Water Reactor Internals.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 599 (October): 155241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155241.
  • Shang, Anyu, Benjamin Stegman, Kenyi Choy, Tongjun Niu, Chao Shen, Zhongxia Shang, Xuanyu Sheng, et al. 2024. “Additive Manufacturing of an Ultrastrong, Deformable Al Alloy with Nanoscale Intermetallics.” Nature Communications 15 (1): 5122. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48693-4.
  • Shen, Chao, Jin Li, Tongjun Niu, Jaehun Cho, Zhongxia Shang, Yifan Zhang, Anyu Shang, et al. 2024. “Achieving Room Temperature Plasticity in Brittle Ceramics through Elevated Temperature Preloading.” Science Advances 10 (16). https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adj4079.
  • Shen, Chao, Tongjun Niu, Jaehun Cho, Tianyi Sun, Anyu Shang, Yifan Zhang, Haiyan Wang, and Xinghang Zhang. 2024. “In Situ Studies on Temperature‐dependent Deformation Mechanisms of Al 2 O 3 Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering.” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, June. https://doi.org/10.1111/jace.19964.
  • Sperling, S.O., T. Bertens, J.P.M. Hoefnagels, K. van den Broek, and M.G.D. Geers. 2024. “Experimental–Numerical Analysis of Silicon Micro-Scratching.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 295 (June): 112809. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112809.
  • Sun, Tianyi, Tongjun Niu, Zhongxia Shang, Chao Shen, Dongyue Xie, Jian Wang, Haiyan Wang, and Xinghang Zhang. 2024. “High‐Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Single‐Crystal FeCrAl Alloy Under In Situ Micropillar Compression.” Advanced Engineering Materials 26 (21). https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202400820.
  • Supakul, Skye. 2024. “Metal/MAX Phase Multilayered Nanolaminates for Tunable Strength and Toughness: Synthesis, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties.”
  • Supakul, Skye, Manish Jain, Krishna Yaddanapudi, Jacob Gruber, Osman El-Atwani, Garritt J. Tucker, and Siddhartha Pathak. 2024. “Synthesis, Microstructure and Micro-Mechanical Characterization of Metal (Nb, Ti) – MAX Phase (Ti2AlC) Nanolaminates.” Materials Science and Engineering: A 910 (September): 146905. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2024.146905.
  • Teixeira, Camila Aguiar, Subin Lee, and Christoph Kirchlechner. 2024. “Measuring the Twinning Stress at the Micron Scale: A Comprehensive Comparison of Testing Geometries.” Materials Characterization 217 (November): 114314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2024.114314.
  • Varillas, Javier, Jaroslav Lukeš, Anastasios Manikas, Jan Maňák, Jiří Dluhoš, Zuzana Melníková, Martin Kalbáč, Costas Galiotis, and Otakar Frank. 2024. “Mechanical Response of Monolayer Graphene via a Multi-Probe Approach.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 273 (July): 109208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109208.
  • Wang, Bokang, Tanglong Bai, Weide Wang, and Hongti Zhang. 2024. “Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride in Different Morphologies: In Situ Experimental Analysis of Bulk and Whisker Structures.” Materials 17 (18): 4549. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17184549.
  • Wang, Congying, Xuwei Cui, Shijun Wang, Wenlong Dong, Hai Hu, Xiaoyong Cai, Chao Jiang, Zhong Zhang, and Luqi Liu. 2024. “Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of α-MoO3 Nanosheets.” Nanoscale 16 (8). https://doi.org/10.1039/d3nr06427a.
  • Wang, H., B. S. Dong, Z. B. Chen, J. Q. Liu, N. Haghdadi, R. Q. Lu, S. Primig, et al. 2024. “Effect of Compositional Heterogeneity on the Mechanical Properties of a Single-Phase Cu-9Al Alloy with Different Grain Sizes.” Acta Materialia 263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119531.
  • Wang, Liqiang, Heyi Wang, Xin Zhou, Huangliu Fu, James Utama Surjadi, Shuo Qu, Xu Song, Rong Fan, and Yang Lu. 2024. “Hierarchical Crystalline–Amorphous Nanocomposites with High Strength and Large Deformability Enabled by Elemental Diffusion.” Journal of Materials Science and Technology 171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2023.06.046.
  • Wang, Nan, Qingping Cao, Xiaodong Wang, Shaoqing Ding, Dongxian Zhang, and Jian Zhong Jiang. 2024. “Ultra-Strong and Ductile Amorphous-Crystalline Ti-Zr-Hf-Nb-Ta/Co-Ni-V Nanolaminate Thin Films.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.172874.
  • Wang, Yachun, Cameron B. Howard, Fei Xu, Daniele Salvato, Kaustubh K. Bawane, Daniel J. Murray, David M. Frazer, et al. 2024. “Microstructural and Micromechanical Characterization of Cr Diffusion Barrier in ATR Irradiated U-10Zr Metallic Fuel.” Journal of Nuclear Materials 599 (October): 155231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155231.
  • Wang, Zi-Meng, Yun-Fei Jia, Jia-Dong Cai, Yuan-Yuan Cui, Xiao Li, Xian-Cheng Zhang, and Shan-Tung Tu. 2024. “Strain-Rate and Size Dependence of Gradient Lamellar Nickel Investigated by in-Situ Micropillar Compression.” Journal of Materials Research and Technology 32 (September): 3269–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2024.08.129.
  • Wei, Bingqiang, Wenqian Wu, Arkajit Ghosh, Metin Kayitmazbatir, Amit Misra, and Jian Wang. 2024. “In Situ SEM Characterization of Tensile Behavior of Nano-Fibrous Al–Si and Al–Si–Sr Eutectics.” Journal of Materials Science 59 (12): 5233–46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-09118-7.
  • Weidner, Anja, Ruben Wagner, Mikhail Seleznev, and Horst Biermann. 2024. “Analysis of Detrimental Inclusions in Steel and Aluminum.” In , 645–77. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-40930-1_25.
  • Wu, Yaqiao, David Estrada, and Brenden Heidrich. 2024. “Microscopy and Characterization Suite – a Facility Designed for Post-Irradiation-Examination.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 30 (Supplement_1). https://doi.org/10.1093/mam/ozae044.966.
  • Wu, Yi Ling, Chung Chih Tsai, Pei Yu Chen, Jhen de You, and Chun Hway Hsueh. 2024. “Transforming Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of (CoCrNi)93-XAl7Ndx Medium Entropy Alloy Films by Annealing.” Surface and Coatings Technology 477. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130331.
  • Xu, Hailong, Li Huang, Wen Zhang, Jing Liang, Xiaohui Lin, Xuanqiao Gao, Yanchao Li, and Jianfeng Li. 2024. “Orientation-Dependent Ion-Irradiation Responses in Molybdenum and Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloys.” Materials Letters 363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2024.136317.
  • Yang, Bo, Pedro E. Sánchez-Jiménez, Tongjun Niu, Tianyi Sun, Zhongxia Shang, Jaehun Cho, Antonio Perejón, et al. 2024. “In Situ Study on Enhanced Plastic Deformability of Lanthanum-Doped Bismuth Ferrite Processed by Flash Sintering.” Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.12.099.
  • Yang, Liuqing. 2024. “Exploring Surface Properties of Advanced Ni-Based Concentrated Solid-Solution Alloys by Nanomechanical Techniques.”
  • Yang, Weiguang, Georg Hasemann, Ruth Schwaiger, and Manja Krüger. 2024. “Orientation-Dependent Hardness of Mo3Si Studied by Cube-Corner Nanoindentation.” Journal of Materials Science 59 (1): 277–88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-09178-9.
  • Yin, Daniel B., Haiping Sun, and Amit Misra. 2024. “Optimal Geometry for Focused Ion Beam-Milled Samples for Direct-Pull Micro-Tensile Testing Performed In Situ in a Scanning Electron Microscope.” Materials 17 (21): 5144. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17215144.
  • Zhang, Chenyun, Yurui Xing, Xuemei Song, Xue Liang, Yifeng Li, Xiaodong Lin, Hongti Zhang, and Ying Shi. 2024. “Size Effect and Plastic Deformation Mechanisms of AlON Micro/Nanopillars with Different Crystallographic Orientations.” Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44 (13): 7695–7703. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.05.010.
  • Zhang, Yifan, Thomas J. Nizolek, Laurent Capolungo, Nan Li, John S. Carpenter, and Rodney J. McCabe. 2024. “Strong Interfaces: The Key to High Strength in Nano Metallic Laminates.” Acta Materialia 280 (November): 120298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120298.
  • Zhang, Zhibo, Shan Zhang, Qing Wang, Anliang Lu, Zhaoqi Chen, Ziyin Yang, Junhua Luan, Rui Su, Pengfei Guan, and Yong Yang. 2024. “Intrinsic Tensile Ductility in Strain Hardening Multiprincipal Element Metallic Glass.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (18). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2400200121.
  • Zhou, Jingzhuo, Mengya Zhu, Ying Han, Xuefeng Zhou, Shanmin Wang, Juzheng Chen, Hao Wu, Yuan Hou, and Yang Lu. 2024. “Direct Measurement of Tensile Mechanical Properties of Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN).” Journal of Applied Physics 135 (22). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0209443.
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