In many economic deposits the element or mineral of interest is a trace component. However, the ability to identify these elements and minerals depends on how they occur. Such information is important to understand the genesis of the deposit as well as the mineral and metallurgical processes to yield the maximum recovery. Specifically, the examples shown will highlight the difference between a trace element and trace mineral and the analytical tools to best support the ultimate project goal.
A combination of micro-XRF and SEM-EDS/WDS will expand your workflow analytical capabilities. Micro-XRF is ideal to analyze large areas on the micro scale and is a powerful tool for identifying both trace elements or minerals, even directly from drill core samples. In contrast, SEM analysis allows a higher spatial resolution required to understand the elemental and mineralogical processes at a high magnification. The SEM-EDS/WDS combination allows analysis at high spectroscopic resolution, even for trace elements.
The benefits and capabilities of each will be discussed to ultimately provide the best workflow for your analytical needs.
There will be a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.
Dr. Andrew Menzies
Senior Application Scientist - Geology and Mining, Bruker Nano Analytics
Dr. Roald Tagle
Global Manager Application Science, Bruker Nano Analytics
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