Comparative assessment of mAb higher order structure in biopharmaceutical development using novel NMR and chemometric analysis
Comparative assessment of mAb higher order structure in biopharmaceutical development using novel NMR and chemometric analysis

Comparative assessment of mAb higher order structure in biopharmaceutical development using novel NMR and chemometric analysis

Webinar Overview

Developments in pulse sequences and instrumentation along with the incorporation of chemometric tools permit NMR spectroscopy to report comparative metrics for higher order structure analysis (HOS) of intact monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). These 1D and 2D NMR chemometric methods can be used in different applications, including forced degradation HOS studies on mAbs, given the high sensitivity and resolution of the technique.

This presentation was part of the Well Characterized Biologics 2021 Conference program.

October 26, 2021

Key Learning Topics

  • Importance of biologics and NMR in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Chemometric tools in NMR HOS comparability
  • Case Study: FD study of adalimumab and trastuzumab

Who should attend

The webinar is aimed for those working in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in drug development and production of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. Laboratory managers, heads of R&D, analytical development, quality control and manufacturing.

Additionally, the webinar is also of interest to those academics collaborating with pharmaceutical industry and to other industries who face challenges in formulating both solid and liquid mixtures.


Dr. Victor Beaumont

Strategic Market Development Specialist, Bruker BioSpin 

Victor has studied and applied NMR techniques throughout his undergraduate studies at the University at Buffalo (Dr. Thomas Szyperski) and PhD program at Yale University (Dr. Patrick Loria). He later joined Pfizer as an NMR specialist for biotherapeutic structure characterization moving then to project management of analytical laboratory automation. His passion is in improving the quality of life and working efficiencies of society by facilitating and contributing high-quality scientific innovation focused on state-of-the-art NMR characterization of novel therapeutic modalities. At Bruker, he is dedicated to working with scientists in understanding the challenges and needs of the industry to expand NMR applications and technology.


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