Marty Pagel provides recommendations for a successful CEST experiment, including taking animal motion and physiology stability into account, as well as tips for respiratory gating, optimization of saturation times and powers, and number of frequency values. He also suggests B0 and B1 mapping. He makes a strong case for considering analysis before scanning to ensure that full sets of scans will fulfill the analysis method requirements. He then shows applications such as the Warburg effect in tumor microenvironment via CEST pH measurements, before demonstrating GlucoCEST results and discussing what this truly represents.
On Demand Session
Marty Pagel, PhD
Professor - Cancer Systems Imaging & Imaging Physics MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Marty Pagel has focused on molecular imaging research during the last 20 years in industry and academia. He is a Professor in the Departments of Cancer Systems Imaging and Imaging Physics at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. In addition, Dr. Pagel has held leadership positions in professional societies, funding agencies, and scientific journals that focus on molecular imaging. Dr. Pagel’s current research focuses on photoacoustic imaging, CEST MRI, DCE MRI, and PET/MRI, for studies with mouse models of cancer and for clinical trials with cancer patients.