Maastricht, the Netherlands, 10-14 September 

Dioxin 2023 - 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants 

A novel approach to rapid and reliable environmental sample screening


Visit booth B6 to discover Bruker’s complete workflows for fast detection of POPs including PCBs and PFAS

Setting new standards for POP identification

Join Bruker at Dioxin 2023 in the Netherlands to see new rapid screening solutions for dioxins and persistent organic pollutants (POPs).

Analyzing complex food and water samples for dioxins, POPs, and contaminants such as pesticides demands a robust and reliable approach. The Bruker environmental analysis platform combines the precision of mass spectrometry with world class software to offer a cost-effective, high performance solution.

Find out more about how Bruker instrumentation helps streamline environmental analysis. 

World leading environmental analysis

timsTOF Pro 2 for unrivaled sensitivity

The Bruker timsTOF Pro 2 offers a versatile solution for the specific needs of environmental analysis, where robust, sustainable workflows are required.

Offering rapid analysis of dioxins, PFAS, pesticides and other contaminants, the timsTOF Pro 2 brings the analytical power of high resolution mass spectrometry together with the additional dimension of trapped ion mobility separation to simplify complex sample analysis.

The system’s predeveloped workflows and highly curated databases of thousands of relevant analytes, including pesticides and environmental pollutants, allow a rapid start up in the lab. The highly sensitive analysis delivers maximum analytical coverage for a wide range of compounds, confirming identification with confidence through the use of highly accurate collision cross section (CCS) values.

The timsTOF Pro 2 mass spectrometer removes reliance on helium through the integrated gas chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (GC-APCI) hydrogen-based source.

Integrated with GC-APCI front end technology, the instrument simplifies routine analysis in a streamlined workflow that returns high value data for broad screening applications.  

TASQ software for simplified analysis

TASQ is a turnkey software solution for mass spectrometry-based automated screening and quantitation of target compounds in large sample batches. 

The rapid data acquisition of the timsTOF Pro 2 combined with the integrated TASQ software automates routine analytical analysis. It allows seamless transition between targeted and untargeted workflows and enables highly automated data acquisition, analysis, review and reporting for ease of use and optimized results.

Join us at the Bruker presentations at Dioxin 2023

Learn about the latest developments set to shape the future of environmental testing: 

  • Seminar: 12:15 pm - 13:15 pm on Monday 11th September
    “Novel approach in addressing the challenges of monitoring multi-classes of Halogenated POPs in food and feed.”
    Join Gauthier Eppe, Professor at the University of Liège and Director of the Mass Spectrometry Lab, as he explores novel methods to tackle the growing issue of potentially toxic POPs in the environment. These include new methods for rapid screening and simultaneous quantitation of multiple POPs and comparison with the current gold standard.
  • Poster presentation MON-PM2-D2: 15:40 pm – 17:00 pm on Monday 11th September
    “Assessing the performance of high resolution ion mobility-mass spectrometry for the separation of GC coeluting isomeric and isobaric halogenated persistent organic pollutants.”
    Presented by Hugo Muller, Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, University of Liège
    Chaired by Gauthier Eppe, Professor at University of Liège, Director of the Mass Spectrometry Lab and Director of the Research Unit – Molecular Systems.

Tour of the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the University of Liège

Join the Bruker tour to see the technology in action at the University of Liège

Time: 14:00 depart MECC Maastricht, return by 17:00 to MECC
Date: Wednesday 13th September
Meeting point: Bruker booth B6 at 13:45

The Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the University of Liège presents a state-of-the-art showcase of novel analytical methods for rapid environmental screening and POP quantitation.

Led by Professor Gauthier Eppe, the mass spectrometry platform has a strong focus on fundamental research in physical chemistry, biophysics and structural chemistry, applied in various fields including environmental sciences, food safety and industrial processes. Major research includes the development of fundamental aspects of trapped ion mobility and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry using world class instrumentation.

Join us on the Bruker tour of the University of Liège laboratories to learn more about the research goals, results and outcomes, understand the new methodology for robust routine screening, and hear about the exciting projects in the pipeline.

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