On-Demand sessions now available for viewing. Please register below to receive a link to view this year’s virtual NMR users meeting on-demand content.
Key Learning Points
Anyone interested in the latest news and updates on Bruker hardware and software for NMR solutions in pharma, industry, food analysis, and clinical.
The Bruker NMR Users Meeting is an annual gathering of our NMR community and a chance to listen, learn, and share knowledge and ideas. This year, we’re doing something a little different.
In addition to presentations and talks from Bruker experts being made available online for on-demand viewing, we are organizing a live Q&A where you can ask questions and gain further insights into Bruker solutions.
The live Q&A sessions will highlight the main topics presented in the virtual on-demand presentations before opening up the floor to you and your questions.
Register here to gain access to our virtual presentations and to receive information on the live Q&A sessions.
Peter Gravil
Head of Sales and Service
Arxspan – A division of Bruker
Paul Gillham
Innovations at Optimal Industrial Technologies
Dr. Santi Dominguez
Co-Founder and CEO at Mestrelab Research
Anna Codina, Ph.D.
Senior Director Strategy and Business Development, SciY
Dr. Joerg Koehler
Head of Business Unit Industrial, Bruker BioSpin, Ettlingen, Germany
Thomas Spengler
Director Market Management Food Feed Beverages & Head of Lean Customer Development, AIC Division, Bruker BioSpin GmbH
Dr. Claire Cannet
Market Manager Clinical