Latest developments in advanced 3D EBSD/EDS data processing with ESPRIT QUBE

On-Demand Session - 55 Minutes

Capabilities of  ESPRIT QUBE

3D-EBSD/EDS is a destructive tomographic method consisting of repeated sectioning and subsequent crystallographic surface characterization by Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and simultaneous elemental analysis by Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS). Typically, an integrated in-situ sectioning technique is applied, such as an SEM-based focused ion beam (FIB), to generate accurately spaced serial sections. The measured data set is later reconstructed, visualized and analyzed with dedicated software. 

The current webinar will review our latest developments in 3D EBSD processing by Peter Konijnenberg from Bruker and MPIE in Düsseldorf. We will first review the unique capabilities of our ESPRIT QUBE software for 3D EBSD and EDS datasets including slice registration (realignment), data filtering, grain reconstruction, subsetting and more advanced data analyses. Then, we will present our latest developments on the crystallographic characterization of the grain boundary planes by a triangular surface meshing method.

This 45 min webinar will be round off by a 15-minute live Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

Who Should Attend

  • FIB/SEM microscopists interested in advanced analytical techniques for material characterization
  • EBSD and EDS users curious about 3D EBSD/EDS technique

Dr. Laurie Palasse

Global Application Manager, Bruker Nano Analytics

Peter Konijnenberg

Senior Data Scientist, Bruker Nano Analytics, MPIE Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf

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