Recent advances in nanomechanical holder design, microscopy techniques, and detector technology enable unprecedented observations of small-scale material behavior under applied stress. In this webinar, experts describe these technology advances and present real-life examples of in-situ mechanical testing in the TEM.
This webinar contains two segments:
In-situ nanomechanical testing inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM) provides unique insight into material dynamics at the micrometer, nanometer, and atomic scales.
In this webinar, Bruker nanomechanics expert Dr. Sanjit Bhowmick discusses the design and capabilities of Bruker’s Hysitron PI 95 TEM PicoIndenter, along with an introduction to the wide variety of small-scale mechanical testing techniques that are possible inside a TEM.
Then, Dr. Christian Kübel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) presents a study on observing dynamic crystallographic changes and the Bauschinger effect within thin films under in-situ cyclic tensile strain.
Find out more about the technology featured in this webinar or our other solutions for In-Situ Nanomechanics:
Sanjit Bhowmick, Ph.D.
Senior Staff Scientist, Bruker
Dr. Sanjit Bhowmick is a Senior Staff Scientist at Bruker. His research interest includes understanding microstructure and mechanical property correlation of advance nanostructured materials using in-situ SEM and TEM nanomechanical techniques. He has published more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Christian Kübel, Ph.D.
Research Group Leader, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Dr. Christian Kübel is a group leader of the Electron Microscopy & Spectroscopy group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He is deputy director of the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF). His research interests include development of methods for electron microscopy such as electron tomography, 4D-STEM, and in-situ mechanical/electrical testing for application in materials science such as batteries, catalysis, LEDs, nano composites, nanocrystalline graphene, bulk nanocrystalline metals, and metallic glasses. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and holds one patent.