CryoProbe Prodigy is a new, revolutionary Bruker CryoProbe product that delivers tremendous boosts in sensitivity without exceeding the budget. Prodigy probes use nitrogen-cooled RF coils and preamplifiers to deliver a sensitivity enhancement over room temperature (RT). As the Prodigy package comprises in addition to the probe just a control unit and a liquid nitrogen vessel, it does not require any additional infrastructure, has long service intervals and keep operating and maintenance costs at minimum.
CryoProbe Prodigy family consist of broadband BBO and triple TCI probes at frequencies ranging from 400 to 700 MHz. Based on the same principals as Helium cooled probes but operated at the temperature of liquid nitrogen, Prodigy probes deliver a sensitivity enhancement over room temperature (RT) probes of a factor of 2 to 3 both for 1H and X-nuclei. Combined with an optional automatic tuning accessory (ATMA), the Prodigy has the potential to become the probe of choice for routine industrial and academic labs, focused not only on small molecule but also on bio-NMR applications.
The broadband (BBO) configuration of the Prodigy enables time-consuming heteronuclear NMR experiments to be performed up to ten times faster, expanding on the versatility and flexibility known from broadband RT probes. In addition proton or fluorine detected experiments will benefit from the doubling in signal to noise.
Hence, the CryoProbe Prodigy will enable small molecule routine labs in academia and the pharmaceutical and chemical industries to drastically increase their sample throughput. As the Prodigy package comprises in addition to the probe just a control unit and a liquid nitrogen vessel, siting is easy and no additional infrastructure is required. Combined with an optional automatic tuning accessory (ATMA), the Prodigy has the potential to become the probe of choice for routine industrial and academic labs alike.
Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.
LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory