CryoProbe Prodigy

CryoProbe Prodigy offers enormous sensitivity boost at an affordable price both in routine and bio-NMR applications


Enhanced Sensitivity
Boosts sensitivity by a factor of 2 to 3 for both 1H and X-nuclei. Corresponds to a 300 MHz booster in sensitivity!
Long service intervals and minimal maintenance costs.
Easy Setup
The Prodigy package includes the probe, a control unit, and a liquid nitrogen vessel, making it easy to set up without requiring additional infrastructure.
Versatile Applications
Ideal for pharmaceutical and chemical applications, enabling faster homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR experiments and doubling signal-to-noise ratio for proton or X-nuclei detected experiments.


The CryoProbe Prodigy is a groundbreaking Bruker CryoProbe that significantly enhances sensitivity without breaking the budget. Utilizing nitrogen-cooled RF coils and preamplifiers, Prodigy probes offer a sensitivity boost over room temperature (RT) probes.

The Prodigy package includes the probe, a control unit, and a liquid nitrogen vessel, requiring no additional infrastructure. It features long service intervals and minimal operating and maintenance costs.

The CryoProbe Prodigy family includes double-resonance broadband BBO and BBI, as well as triple-resonance TCI probes, with frequencies ranging from 400 to 700 MHz.

Operating at liquid nitrogen temperatures, Prodigy probes provide a sensitivity enhancement of 2 to 3 times over RT probes for both 1H and X-nuclei. With an automatic tuning accessory (ATMA), the Prodigy is ideal for routine industrial and academic labs, enhancing sensitivity and throughput for small molecule and bio-NMR applications.


Prodigy Nonstop -  Don’t Stop the Party!

  • Prodigy Nonstop is an accessory compatible with all types of Prodigy Cryoprobes
  • Prodigy Nonstop allows to run NMR experiments 24/7 with continuous acquisition during liquid nitrogen (LN2) refills
  • Excellent spectral quality obtained before, during and after LN2 refills
  • Short total LN2 refill duration of ca. 15min
  • Successfully running in Bruker and customer NMR laboratories
Prodigy Nonstop installation

System overview during LN2 refill

User initiated refill process, regulated by 3 cryo-valves on a new Prodigy dewar adaptor
Prodigy Nonstop dewar adaptor

1H Lineshape stability

  • Excellent 1H lineshape stability during Prodigy Nonstop nitrogen refill
  • Short refill duration of ca. 15min (5kg/min)
  • Sample: 0.3% CHCl3 in d6-acetone
Excellent 1H lineshape stability during Prodigy Nonstop nitrogen refill



The CryoProbe Prodigy BBO is designed for seamless automation in both observe and inverse detection modes. The broadband design supports a wide range of nuclei, including 15N to 31P, 1H, and 19F, and offers significant sensitivity enhancements.

Technical Details

CryoProbe Prodigy BBO features

  • Double Resonance probe with broadband (BB) on the inner, and 1H on the outer coil.
  • Supports nuclei ranging from 15N to 31P, as well as 1H and 19F.
  • The sensitivity gain is approximately 2 to 3 times for 15N to 31P and around 2 times for 1H.
  • Full automation for observe & inverse detected experiments.
  • Equipped with cold preamplifiers for all nuclei (BB/1H/2H), it is available at frequencies of 400, 500, 600, and 700 MHz. 
  • The probe features a Z-gradient and is ATM compatible, operating within an extended temperature range of -40°C to 150°C.



The CryoProbe Prodigy BBI is a cutting-edge NMR probe designed to deliver exceptional sensitivity for a wide range of nuclei with a special emphasis on enhanced 1H sensitivity. This probe is ideal for performing all type of inverse 1H detected experiments, including COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC, making it perfect for structure verification and elucidation.

Prodigy Broadband Inverse (BBI) probe

Technical Details

First Broadband Inverse CryoProbe - Prodigy BBI

  • Liquid nitrogen cooled 5mm Prodigy CryoProbe at 400 and 600 MHz
  • First fully broad-banded inverse CryoProbe
  • Double Resonance probe with 1H on the inner, and BB on the outer coil
  • BB coil is tuneable in the range from 31P to 15N
  • 19F capability by tuning the 1H channel allows for e.g. 19F-13C experiments
  • Extended variable temperature range from -40°C … +150°C
  • Optimized for 1H detected experiments used in routine NMR – 
  •     2D COSY, NOESY, HSQC, …
  • Ideal to increase sample throughput and reduce experiment time
  • 2.5x higher 1H sensitivity compared to 5mm iProbe SmartProbe 
  •     time saving factor of 7
  • 60% higher 13C sensitivity compared to 5mm iProbe SmartProbe 
  •     experiment time of 13C detected experiments, like 1D 13C{1H} NMR, reduced by a factor of 2 



The CryoProbe Prodigy TCI is an exceptional NMR probe designed for triple resonance bio-NMR applications. It offers exceptional sensitivity with cold preamplifiers for 1H, 2H, and 13C, and delivers a signal-to-noise gain for 1H by a factor of approximately 2.5.

Technical Details

CryoProbe Prodigy TCI features

  • Optimal for bio-NMR triple resonance applications with 2H decoupling.
  • Delivers a signal-to-noise gain for 1H by a factor of around 2.5, leading to a time-saving factor of over 6 times.
  • Features cold preamplifiers for 1H, 2H and 13C, ensuring the highest sensitivity for these nuclei.
  • Excellent solvent suppression and power handling capabilities.
  • Available at 500, 600 and 700 MHz
  • The probe features a Z-gradient and is ATM compatible, operating within an extended temperature range of -40°C to 150°C.

Service and Support 


Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory