Virtual Event, Actual Science

Surface Lab: Characterization of Polymeric Materials and Products

Explore the possibilities for polymer research and testing using Bruker’s AFM, nanoIR, and nanomechanical testing systems. 


Watch this Insightful Webinar on Polymer Solutions With Industry Experts

In this virtual Surface Lab session, our presenters discuss several different characterization techniques and tools, focusing on their features and capabilities:

  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
  • Nanoscale infrared (nanoIR) spectroscopy
  • Nanoindentation testing

Each segment also includes a live demo portion from our laboratories across Europe.

Webinar Summary

In this on-demand webinar, viewers can expect to see presentations from three Bruker experts, on the techniques of AFM, nanoIR, and nanoindentation for non-destructive, in-situ characterization of polymers.

Each testing method section includes a presentation and a live demonstration.


Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

  • Discussion of nanoscale imaging of challenging polymer structures
  • Multiparametric characterization of material properties, such as elastic, viscoelastic, electrical, and thermal properties 
  • In situ study of dynamic behavior and processes, like crystallization and melting
  • Investigation into the influence of environmental conditions on sample properties


Nanoscale infrared (nanoIR) spectroscopy

  • Description of chemical characterization of polymeric materials
  • Insights into new and existing photothermal AFM-IR techniques
  • Demonstration of how to achieve quality results


Nanoindentation testing

  • Exploration of quantitative in-situ nanomechanical characterization methods
  • Investigation of materials properties such as elastic modulus, hardness, stress relaxation, interfacial adhesion, and fracture toughness at the nanoscale and microscale
  • Control of environmental conditions, particularly temperature control for polymers testing


This webinar was presented on: May 31st, 2023


Find out more about the technology featured in this webinar or our other solutions for polymer research:

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Mickael Febvre, Ph.D.
Application Manager, Bruker EMEA

Ude Hangen, Ph.D.
Applications Manager, Bruker EMEA

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