We are pleased to welcome you to this webinar, which focuses on preclinical cardiac PET/MRI, cardiac and respiratory gating and streamlined PET and MRI analysis.
After briefly motivating cardiac and respiratory gating in cardiac imaging, various implementations developed to address cardiac and respiratory gating in MRI and PET will be discussed. Prospective and retrospective gating methods are explained. The self-gated approach, IntraGATE, is introduced, pointing out the principle of operation and main advantages gained using this technique. Building on the principle of exploiting the MR navigator signal to derive details on the cardiac and respiratory motions, the concept of spatially resolved navigators, using PolyGATE, is presented for imaging multiple animals simultaneously.
The Cardiac PET tool from PMOD brings a streamlined workflow to quantitative PET analysis for dynamic PET, or function analysis for gated PET. Similarly, the Cardiac MR tool facilitates function analysis of cardiac cine series such as Bruker’s IntraGATE, and can leverage PMOD’s Artificial Intelligence framework, PAI. PAI is a flexible framework that makes user-defined AI-based segmentation and classification accessible without requiring programming experience.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time | 3:00 PM Central European Time
Matic Pusovnik
Biomedical Engineer, Biomedical MRI group/ MoSAIC
Katholieke Universiteit (KU) LeuvenMatic Pusovnik is a biomedical engineer, currently doing a PhD project at the Biomedical MRI group/ MoSAIC, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven, Belgium. Matic studied at the University of Ljubljana and KU Leuven. He first joined the group as a thesis student working on image processing/ quantification, but now continues to fuel his passion for MRI in his PhD project. In his research, he mostly focuses on developing new image acquisition and processing tools for cardiac imaging/ MR fingerprinting in rodents. He is supervised by Dr. Willy Gsell and Prof. Uwe Himmelreich who have recently focused on cardiac MRI and in particular on simultaneously acquired PET/MR imaging in rodents.
Geoff Warnock
Senior Application Scientist, PMOD
Geoff Warnock is a Senior Application Scientist at PMOD Technologies, part of Bruker since July 2019. PMOD provides solutions for all stages of quantitative data processing, and specializes in PET kinetic modeling. Geoff has focused on quantitative PET for more than 10 years, and provides customized training courses to PMOD’s customers around the world.
Mette Lauritzen, PhD
Market Product Manager, Nuclear Molecular Imaging
Bruker BioSpinMette Lauritzen is a Market Product Manager for Nuclear Molecular Imaging at Bruker BioSpin in Germany. She has an academic background in preclinical MRI and PET Imaging, having completed her PhD at the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) and post-doctoral position at Stanford University, School of Medicine’s Radiology Department.