Virtual Event, Actual Science

UK Surface Metrology Workshop

Presented in conjunction with the University of Huddersfield: Explore the most popular and innovative applications of Stylus and Optical profilometry

Accurate, consistent surface texture metrology is essential to product performance across a range of well-established and emerging fields.

This webinar focuses on surface profiling techniques, their most popular applications and newest potential uses, and how to correlate the areal feature parameters they measure with surface functionality. The recording also inc;udes real-time, in-lab practical sessions featuring Bruker's fully-automated ContourX-500 benchtop optical profiler.


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Discover the Ideal Tools & Techniques for Surface Texture Metrology

Held in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield and with the support of our guest speaker, Prof. Liam Blunt, Ph.D., Director of the Centre for Precision Technologies, this workshop explores the capabilities and applications of Bruker’s Stylus & Optical Profilers.

Recorded on April 29, 2021

Program Overview

Title Speaker(s) Topic Recording Length
Application of Areal Feature Parameters  Prof. Liam Blunt, University of Huddersfield An exclusive presentation by Prof. Blunt on the application of areal feature parameters in relation to understanding surface functionality. 35 min.
State-of-the-Art Surface Texture Metrology Dr Samuel Lesko, Sr. Applications Dev. Manager, for Tribology, Stylus & Optical Profilers, Bruker In-depth exploration of new developments relating to the WLI technique which enable its application in fields such as rough and steady samples and thin-film, especially in studies requiring large samples. 25 min.
Practical Session 1: 3D Measurements  Dr Vishal Panchal, Application Scientist
In this real-time practical session, the ContourX-500 optical profiler is used to demonstrate 3D measurements including the surface roughness/waviness of a given sample and depth/volume of a scratch test. 15 min.
Practical Session 2: Film Thickness Measurements Dr Vishal Panchal, Application Scientist In this real-time practical session, the ContourX-500 3D optical profiler is used to demonstrate film thickness measurements and explore the surfaces of the substrate and film coating from a single measurement. 15 min.

Guest Speaker

With introduction by Boumedienne Boudjelida, Sales Manager UK, Bruker.

Liam Blunt, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Engineering and Technology, School of Computing and Engineering; Director, Centre for Precision Technologies
University of Huddersfield

Professor Liam Blunt has an honours degree in Materials Technology and a Ph.D. in "The Metallurgy of CentrelessGround Surfaces" under the supervision of Dr. Wilf Tomlinson at Coventry University. Prof Blunt also spent one year working as a metallurgist in failure analysis at AMTAC Laboratories in Manchester. His Academic experience includes a Post-Doctoral period at Warwick University covering Microscopy of Thick and Thin Film Superconductors. Prof Blunt then moved onto Birmingham University in 1990 to work on the development of a multi properties materials tester. Whilst at Birmingham he developed an interest in tribology and surface metrology. He secured a lectureship and developed his research in the field of surface metrology.

In 1997 Prof Blunt moved to Huddersfield and began developing the Centre for Precision Technologies. As well as teaching in the area of Materials and Manufacturing processes, he has formed extensive industrial collaborations and is now Director of the Centre for Precision Engineering. His Research expertise and interests are: Surface micro and nano metrology, tribology and metrology for medical implants, development of precision abrasive processes, and forensic metrology for ballistics.

Samuel Lesko, Ph.D.
Dir. of Technology and Apps Development for Tribology, Stylus & Optical Profilers, Bruker


Samuel Lesko has over 20 years of optical and stylus profiler applications experience, particularly in using white-light interferometry in a wide variety of fields, from MEMS and semiconductor to automotive and aerospace. He is a member of SME and part of ISO/TC 213/WG committee (areal roughness) and obtained his physics Ph.D. and material science engineering degree at the University of Burgundy in France.

Vishal Panchal, Ph.D.
Sales Applications Scientist, Bruker EMEA

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