Life Science Research


Learn how Bruker's customized and advanced analytical solutions in proteomics help identify potential new drugs for successful treatment and diagnosis.

Proteomics and Protein Analysis: Ushering in the 4D Revolution

Over the last two decades, significant advances seen in technology and new methodologies have made proteomics an extremely powerful tool for protein scientists, biologists and clinical researchers. The introduction of the timsTOF Pro coupled with the revolutionary PASEF® acquisition mode is not only breaking new boundaries in speed, sensitivity, selectivity and robustness, but also enabling 4D-Proteomics™ approaches, allowing scientists to routinely explore parts of the proteome not previously accessible.


Direct protein analysis from tissue or biofluids raises a variety of analytical challenges. Protein expression varies depending on the genetic background of an individual, but also on time, localization, and as a physiological response to external stimuli (stress, disease, aging, effort …). Moreover, because of the combined effects of alternative splicing, point mutation, post-translational modifications and endogenous proteolysis, a given protein (gene expression product) can be expressed as many different proteoforms, each having a dedicated biological activity. Fully addressing that complexity can only be achieved using orthogonal approaches. Bruker offers a dedicated panel of solutions to deal with these challenges.

Proteomics Research Areas

Setting New Standards with 4D-Proteomics™

The timsTOF Pro powered by PASEF® enables for the first time fast, ultra-sensitive shotgun proteomics and relative protein quantitation at high throughput over large cohort and low abundance sample studies, at an unprecedented level of robustness.

The timsTOF Pro and timsTOF fleX are equipped with a Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS) module that allows for the accurate determination of Collisional Cross Section (CCS) values for all detected ions. This intrinsic property significantly increases selectivity, whatever the acquisition strategy: 4D Match Between Runs enhances the quantification performance in Data Dependent Acquisition (DDA) PASEF approaches, while dia-PASEF® sets new selectivity and sensitivity standards for Data Independent Acquisition (DIA).

Dealing with proteomics samples complexity : Reducing complexity by spreading it into a 4th dimension 1 – Retention Time 2 – Mass to charge ratio 3 – Intensity 4 –Ion Mobility


For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.