Atomic-resolution 4D imaging and elemental mapping of materials


  • Operating voltage from 30 to 200 kV
  • Open-source Python-powered control software
  • High-brightness/high-stability cold field emission electron gun (CFEG)
  • High-performance C3/C5 aberration correction
  • Ultra-high vacuum at the sample
  • 4D-STEM capability
Annular dark field (ADF) image of monolayer boron nitride containing atomic substitutions. Quantitative analysis of the image produced a detailed atomic model, which is shown superimposed on the image. Boron atoms are shown red, carbon atoms yellow, nitrogen atoms green and oxygen atoms blue. (Graphic courtesy Tim Pennycook, ORNL & Vanderbilt U.)

Nion ULTRASTEM Specifications

Feature Benefit
>1 nA current in a 2 Å probe Rapid atomic-resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) elemental mapping
0.8 Å high angle annular dark field (HAADF) resolution
Resolve fine spacings and single atoms
Correction of all fifth-order axial aberrations Larger probe angles, higher beam current
Every operation can be performed remotely Remote operation with no local assistance
Friction-free, centro-symmetric sample stage Ultra-precise sample motion, freedom from drift
Double tilt sample holder using ball bearings Backlash-free, ultra-precise tilting
Fast electrostatic beam blanker Avoids sample damage when not collecting data
5th-order-corrected EELS optics >50 mr acceptance semi-angles, more efficient analysis
Microscope column is entirely ion-pumped Minimizes sample contamination and etching
Column uses only metal vacuum seals Sample vacuum typically <1x10-9 torr
Whole column bakeable to 140°C Eliminates microscope-caused contamination
Double μ-metal shielding of entire column Minimizes sensitivity to stray AC fields
Completely modular construction Customization of the microscope column is possible
Self-diagnosing electronics Rapid remote servicing

Service & Support
