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On-Demand Session: Correlative Optical Microscopy And Afm: Enhancing Biological Studies

Combining Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with advanced optical microscopy techniques. 
Introduction; Recorded March 29, 2023
Watch Now | 54 Minutes

Correlative Optical Microscopy and AFM: Enhancing Biological Studies

Presented by Pieter De Beule, Ph.D., Staff Researcher, International Iberian Laboratory (March 29, 2023)


[00:00:47] Introduction to correlated microscopy

  • [00:02:05] Different types of correlated microscopy
  • [00:03:40] Integrating Bio-AFM into the Optical Microscope

[00:06:06] Correlated Microscopy in AFM

  • [00:10:27] Label-free Imaging: Brightfield, DIC, Phase or modulation contrast
  • [00:14:54] Confocal fluorescence Microscopy combined with Wide-field, explanation of the different modalities of confocal microscopy.
  • [00:30:50] Near-field and Far-field super-resolution fluorescence Microscopy combined with AFM, comparing different fluorescence superresolution strategies.

[00:44:30] Conclusion and Q&A session

Watch Now | 25 Minutes

Live Demo NanoWizard V

Presented by Tanja Neumann, Ph.D., Senior Application Scientist, Bruker BioAFM (March 29, 2023)


  • [00:00:00] Overview of the system setup
  • [00:02:58] Setting up the experiment in the software
  • [00:07:07] Integrating Optics in the AFM and using the scanning motor stage to cover large sample regions.
  • [00:12:00] Cleaning/prepping your images