Bruker MRI Award 2025

Voting for the 2025 MRI Award is now OPEN!

See our three finalists below and click on the link to submit your vote for your favorite.

Finalist #1 (in no particular order):

Finalist #2 (in no particular order):

Finalist #3 (in no particular order):

2024 Bruker MRI Award Winners

1st place Award winner: Stephen Sawiak
Uzay Emir, and the PETALUTE team

2nd place Award winner: Andreea Hertanu
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)

3rd place Award winner: Norikazu Koyasu
NIH/NCI Radiation Biology Branch

2023 Bruker MRI Award Winners

1st place: Martin Grashei
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

2nd place: Andrada Ianus
Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal

3rd place: Phillip Zhe Sun
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

2022 Bruker MRI Award Winners

1st place: Georgios Bastois
San Francisco, CA, USA

2nd place: Roël Vrooman
Radboud University Medical Centre, the Netherlands

3rd place: Elton Tadeu Montrazi
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

2021 Bruker MRI Award Winners

First place: Dasiy Villano
Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging,
Torino, Italy

Second place: David Schaefer
University of Pittsburgh

Third place: Daniele Bertoglio
Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp , University of Antwerpen, Belgium

2020 Bruker MRI Award Winners

First place: Dr. Martin MacKinnon
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
North Carolina, USA

Second place: Dr. Alice Zhou
The University of Queensland,

Third place: Dr. Yuning Gu, Prof. Xin Yu
Case Western Reserve University,
Ohio, USA

Novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Sequence Unlocks New Doors in Preclinical Imaging

Customer Insight with 2024 first-place winners Uzay Emir and Stephen Sawiak.

New Molecular MRI Agent - Hyperpolarized 13C-labeled Z-OMPD

Interview with 2023 first-place winner Martin Grashei and Prof. Dr. Franz Schilling from the Technical University of Munich, Germany