See our three finalists below and click on the link to submit your vote for your favorite.
1st place: Martin Grashei
Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
2nd place: Andrada Ianus
Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
3rd place: Phillip Zhe Sun
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
1st place: Georgios Bastois
San Francisco, CA,
2nd place: Roël Vrooman
Radboud University Medical Centre
the Netherlands
3rd place: Elton Tadeu Montrazi
Weizmann Institute of Science,
First place: Dasiy Villano
Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging,
Torino, Italy
Second place: David Schaefer
University of Pittsburgh
Third place: Daniele Bertoglio
Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp , University of Antwerpen, Belgium
First place: Dr. Martin MacKinnon
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
North Carolina, USA
Second place: Dr. Alice Zhou
The University of Queensland,
Third place: Dr. Yuning Gu, Prof. Xin Yu
Case Western Reserve University,
Ohio, USA