During the webinar, we will introduce the FBDD methodology, and discuss real cases from the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on the use of NMR together with other biophysical techniques. We will show the importance of using orthogonal approaches to improve the quality and the quantity of hits. Moreover we will discuss approaches to progress fragments when X-ray crystal structures are not available.
In this webinar Dr. Ben Davis, Vernalis Research, and Dr. Matteo Pennestri, Bruker Biospin, will discuss the application of Fragment Based Drug Discovery to drug discovery, and the integration of NMR with orthogonal methods for fragment screening and characterisation.
This webinar will be of interest to anyone interested in improving their lead discovery capabilities. This includes pharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations and academia, with and without previous experience in FBDD. Moreover any company which is part of this ecosystem, particularly fragment library vendors and computational chemistry software companies.
Matteo Pennestri, Ph. D.
Team Leader, PAT and Automation, Pharma Business Unit Bruker BioSpin
Matteo Pennestri obtained his Ph.D. in Biophysical methods at the University of Tor Vergata Rome (collaboration with Merck Sharp and Dohme). Then he moved as NMR spectroscopist in the pharmaceutical industry (MSD and EISAI). After experiencing the pharma sector, he joined as application scientist Agilent Technologies first (ex. Varian) and Bruker afterwards. After joining the Bruker Pharma unit as NMR specialist and Product Manager he recently become Team Leader PAT for Automation and Process Analytical Technology.
Dr. Ben Davis
Research Fellow, Vernalis R&D
Dr Ben Davis is an NMR spectroscopist and biophysicist by training. His research focus is applying FBLD methods to drug discovery programs involving challenging targets. Ben studied for his PhD in protein folding and ligand binding with Professor Alan Fersht at Cambridge University, and has over two decades experience studying molecular interactions between small molecules and biomolecules in drug discovery.