Depuis l'introduction du TappingMode™ qui a élargi l'utilisation de l'AFM pour la recherche en sciences de la vie, Bruker aide les biologistes à découvrir, comprendre, publier et faire avancer leurs connaissances des systèmes biologiques. En utilisant des caractéristiques propriétaires de l'AFM spécialement conçues pour la recherche en sciences de la vie, seuls les Bio AFMs de Bruker permettent de fournir des résultats de la plus haute qualité pour la cartographie quantitative des propriétés mécaniques des cellules vivantes, l'imagerie moléculaire et cellulaire de la plus haute résolution et la numérisation rapide des processus biologiques dynamiques, ainsi que l'intégration transparente de l'AFM aux techniques de microscopie optique avancées.
Bruker offers an extensive range of BioAFM system add-ons, accessories, and modes to deliver maximum experimental and sample control, superior versatility, and enhanced useability. These options extend the range of applications and experiments supported by Bruker BioAFMs far beyond what is possible with any other BioAFM system on the market today.
Available options include optical systems/accessories, electrochemistry solutions, electrical sample characterization, environmental control options, software modules, temperature control, acoustic and vibration isolation solutions, and more.
Browse our online accessories database or download our accessories handbook to learn more.
BioAFM is an increasingly important tool in biological and biomedical studies due to its very high resolution and the possibility of conducting experiments with live cells under physiologically relevant and ambient conditions, even in liquid. BioAFM also provides nanometer-resolution surface mapping for many mechanical and electrical properties, such as elasticity, stiffness, conductivity and surface potential. Bruker BioAFM technology is enabling life science researchers to investigate how these properties impact on cellular functions, including communication, signaling, cell division and differentiation, and even tumor metastasis and infection.
A BioAFM is an atomic force microscope specifically adapted for studying biological samples and soft matter. BioAFM instruments can measure soft, fragile, and challenging samples — including single molecules, nucleic acids, bacteria, living cells, and tissues — under near-physiological conditions without damaging their structures. These instruments are uniquely capable of performing non-invasive measurements on biological samples and label-free measurements in liquid.
BioAFMs have specialized sample and cantilever holders, stages, and measurement modes specifically designed for life science samples and experiments. Bruker BioAFM instruments also can be uniquely configured with a large selection of optional accessories and advanced modes, extending sample compatibility and measurement capabilities to include even the most challenging soft matter and biological samples.
Unique features and capabilities of Bruker BioAFM instruments include:
Atomic force microscopy provides 3D images of surface features and topography. BioAFMs extend and enhance the technique, optimizing it to address the unique needs and challenges of biological research and providing distinct advantages over other methods. Key advantages include:
Bruker BioAFMs feature several specialized software functions and capabilities designed to support high-performance AFM-based investigation of biological samples and soft matter. Automated instrument procedures (e.g., alignment, operation, calibration), measurement routines, and data analysis capabilities make it easier to set up and run experiments while also improving the accuracy and reproducibility of results.
Advanced automation features include:
These features extend and enhance the capabilities of Bruker BioAFM systems in order to:
The improved throughput, standardized batch analysis routines, and statistically relevant datasets generated by these types of automated features are essential in biological research, particularly in nanomedical and clinical fields.
A major advantage of Bruker’s BioAFM instrumentation is that they can be easily combined with advanced optical microscopy techniques, e.g., fluorescence or STED microscopy, for correlated measurements and complementary datasets.
Our BioAFMs can be easily combined with advanced optical imaging techniques by using a specific AFM stage that is compatible with most commercially available inverse and confocal optical microscopes. The AFM head is placed on the stage and software, such as Bruker’s DirectOverlay feature, enables colocalization of the optical and AFM images and direct correlation of the AFM and optical data. Transferring the sample between setups is not necessary and a wide range of camera and detector types are supported. Easy optical image import, advanced calibration algorithms, and visualization routines facilitate accurate navigation on and around the sample, providing multidimensional sample characterization in a single experiment. Compatible techniques include epifluorescence, confocal, phase contrast, and super-resolution microscopy techniques (STED, TIRF, STORM).
The ability to obtain real-time, correlative data sets is particularly relevant in life science research because it:
No, you do not need an optical/upright microscope for BioAFM-based experiments; a BioAFM instrument can operate independently of any other microscope system.
BioAFM allows the study of:
Bruker BioAFMs achieve industry-leading precision and repeatability in the above-listed applications and support advanced and cutting-edge research in cancer research, polymer research, biomaterials for use in medical implants and tissue regeneration, and microbial interface biology. Further examples include:
The most common applications of BioAFMs are nanoscale structural analysis and biomechanical characterization. These provide valuable insights into molecular, single-cell, and cellular mechanisms and functionality. Atomic force microscopy enables the high-resolution imaging and precise measurement of the nanoscale forces necessary for these types of investigation, making it an essential tool for:
BioAFM instruments can measure soft, fragile, and challenging samples ranging from single molecules, nucleic acids, and proteins to viruses, bacteria, living cells, and tissues. Soft matter — such as hydrogels, spheroids, organoids, and biomaterials — can also be studied in a non-invasive manner using a BioAFM.
Bruker BioAFMs can be equipped with a wide variety of accessories to facilitate the investigation of samples of varying size and composition, on a wide range of substrates, and under ambient, extreme, and/or aggressive environmental conditions.
A BioAFM can measure nanoscale mechanical properties (e.g., stiffness, elasticity, adhesion, Young’s modulus, dissipation, and deformation), particle size, surface structure, and morphology.
These properties can be investigated in samples as diverse as single molecules, live cells, tissues, proteins, and bacteria, as well as in soft matter samples, such as polymers and hydrogels.
BioAFM is a label-free method. Measurements can be performed in air or liquid, enabling the investigation of live cells under near-physiological conditions; it does not require a vacuum and it is not necessary to freeze, dry, coat, or microtome cut samples before measurement.
In general, the sample must adhere to a surface substrate (e.g., a Petri dish, coverslip, or mica), or, if measuring in liquid, be immersed in a suitable buffer solution.
It is recommended that the substrate is thoroughly cleaned before measurement to remove any contaminants or artifacts that might interfere with imaging.
Contact our BioAFM experts to discuss your specific sample and measurement requirements.
La microscopie à force atomique est un outil de plus en plus important dans les études biologiques et biomédicales en raison de sa très haute résolution et de la possibilité de mener des expériences avec des cellules vivantes dans des conditions physiologiquement pertinentes et ambiantes, même dans un liquide. L'AFM permet également d'obtenir une cartographie de surface à résolution nanométrique pour de nombreuses propriétés mécaniques et électriques, telles que l'élasticité, la rigidité, la conductivité et le potentiel de surface. Les chercheurs en sciences de la vie étudient activement comment ces propriétés peuvent avoir un impact important sur les fonctions cellulaires, notamment la communication, la signalisation, la division et la différenciation cellulaires, et même les métastases, et l'infection tumorale.
Les microscopes BioAFM de Bruker permettent aux chercheurs en sciences de la vie et en biophysique d'approfondir leurs recherches dans les domaines de la mécanique, de l'adhésion cellulaire, de la mécano-biologie, des interactions cellule-cellule et cellule-surface, de la dynamique cellulaire et de la morphologie cellulaire. Nous avons rassemblé une galerie d'images démontrant quelques-unes de ces applications.
Nos webinaires couvrent les meilleures pratiques, présentent de nouveaux produits, apportent des solutions rapides à des questions délicates et proposent des idées pour de nouvelles applications, modes ou techniques.
Bruker s'associe à ses clients pour résoudre des problèmes qui touchent des applications dans le monde entier. Nous développons des technologies de nouvelle génération et aidons nos clients à choisir le système et les accessoires appropriés. Ce partenariat se poursuit par des formations et un service étendu, longtemps après la vente des outils.
Notre équipe hautement qualifiée d'ingénieurs d'assistance, de scientifiques d'application et d'experts en la matière se consacre entièrement à l'optimisation de votre productivité par le biais de services et de mises à jour du système, ainsi que d'une assistance et d'une formation aux applications.