Rock characterization with portable mineral analyzers
Rock characterization with portable mineral analyzers

Portable Element Analyzers for Minerals

Mining & exploration using handheld XRF analyzers

Visitez Bruker à DRC Mining Week - 14 - 16 Juin 2023

Bruker est ravi de présenter les spectromètres XRF portables à l'exposition DRC Mining Week en République démocratique du Congo. Nous participerons dans le cadre du German Pavilion. Rendez-nous visite au stand E63 et découvrez comment nos systèmes d'analyse XRF peuvent être utilisés pour faire progresser vos applications géoscientifiques.

Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyzers for Geoscience

The Bruker S1 TITAN, CTX and TRACER 5 Handheld XRF Analyzers are a fast and accurate tool for all aspects of mining, exploration and geoscience, and are sometimes also referred to as portable mineral analyzers or handheld mineral analyzers.

The key is the Bruker's Silicon Drift Detector (SDD), which offers count rates and resolution far superior to alternative SiPIN detector technology. This makes for even faster analysis – It takes only few seconds to make typical mining analysis, that’s about five times faster than previous generations of mineral testers. Not only that, but the improved resolution and count rates means lower detection limits for all elements analyzed. Combine that with Universal FP calibration which can be used for all mining sample types and you have one of the most powerful handheld instrument for mineral analysis currently available on the market. To complete our package we offer world class customer service and uptime.

Main Applications of Handheld XRF in Mining, Exploration and Geoscience

Examples of mining applications for HH XRF include:

Handheld XRF allows you to directly make on-site geochemical analysis of mine face, drill core or prepared samples. On-site real time analysis with the S1 TITAN, CTX or TRACER 5 will boost productivity by reducing turnaround times for results from days to seconds comparing to laboratory analysis. The S1 TITAN, CTX and TRACER 5 allows fast real-time surveys to quickly define ore boundaries and identify areas of highest potential profit.

More Information on Handheld-XRF for Minerals, Geoscience & Geology

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