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On-Demand Session: Reverse Tip Sample (RTS) Scanning Probe Microscopy

How changing a fundamental aspect of SPM could create new opportunities 
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Reverse Tip Sample (RTS) Scanning Probe Microscopy

Presented by Nemanja Peric, Ph.D., SPM Researcher, and Pieter Lagrain, Engineer, imec, Belgium (June 18, 2024)


  • [00:02:58] Reverse tip-sample scanning probe microscopy (RTS SPM) principle
  • [00:06:10] Probe chip fabrication and multi-tip applications
  • [00:14:40] Correlative SPM Measurements and sample preparation
  • [00:18:17] High-force applications
  • [00:22:47] Technical requirements for RTS SPM sample preparation
  • [00:39:15] Reverse tip-sample scanning spreading resistance microscopy (RTS SSRM) measurements
  • [00:46:27] Conclusion
Watch Now | 7 Minutes

Question and Answer


  • [00:00:23] Do you already have any data on organic materials such as polymer blends?
  • [00:01:05] Are these probe chips already commercially available?
  • [00:01:54] How long does preparing a sample from start to end take?
  • [00:02:36] Can any tip and cantilever be used for this preparation?
  • [00:03:38] What type of imaging mode has been used so far?
  • [00:04:33] What is the typical tip radius?