Light Sheet Microscopes

Tissue Clearing E-Book

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Clearing techniques have become valuable tools for visualizing large 3D tissues in neuroscience, oncology, developmental biology, and organoid research.

Visualizing the microstructures of biological tissues benefits researchers but requires specialized techniques to overcome light-matter interaction. Bruker’s light-sheet microscopes utilize innovative technology for clearing, allowing rapid imaging of intact samples while preserving their native 3D structures.

This e-book provides an overview of how light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) and tissue clearing work to render tissues transparent and optimized for biological imaging. It details techniques for different imaging requirements and novel applications. 

Readers can expect to learn more about:

  • Tissue-clearing principles and techniques
  • Choosing the best tissue-clearing method for your research
  • Types of clearing: hydrophobic, hydrophilic, hydrogel-based, and expansion microscopy
  • How the diversity of tissue-clearing techniques can be tailored to unique experimental requirements
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