Bruker Nano Analytics presents:

Handheld XRF Measurements of Fluorine

On-Demand Session - 47 Minutes

Analyzing Fluorine with Handheld X-ray Fluorescence

Compounds with fluorine, the most reactive and lightest halogen, are used for multiple purposes. Applications include high temperature plastics, protective clothing treatments, bike chain oils and lubricants, ski and snowboard waxes, semiconductor processing, welding fluxes, and wire insulation. Identifying the presence and measuring the amount of fluorine in samples can be a challenge. Time-consuming and destructive wet chemical methods have been the historical choice; however, now there is a need for non-destructive, in-situ, straightforward, and faster measurement techniques.

Handheld XRF is a multi-element analysis technique which is fast, non-destructive, straightforward to use, and can be taken anywhere testing is needed for in-situ measurements. The lightest element conventional handheld XRFs can measure is magnesium. Fortunately, Bruker’s new TRACER 5g handheld XRF is specifically designed to dramatically improve sensitivity for lighter elements, enabling fluorine measurements.

This webinar will focus on analyzing fluorine with handheld XRF technology using semiconductor and ski wax application examples. Handheld XRF technology will be explained. The design features of the TRACER 5g handheld XRF which enable the analysis of fluorine will be described.

There will be a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

Who should attend?

  • Quality managers in semiconductor manufacturing
  • Scientists at applied research, industrial, regulatory, and service centers


Kimberley Russell

Food Safety, Agriculture & Environmental Market Segment Manager, Bruker Nano Analytics

Andrew Lee

Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Analytics

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