Rapid Scan-EPR is a revolutionary technique that can improve the signal to noise ratio and significantly decreases the acquisition time (down to milliseconds).
The main advantage of RS-EPR comes from the later onset of signal saturation, allowing higher microwave powers to be used. This increases the signal amplitude relative to CW-EPR, leading to a much higher signal-to-noise ratio. The short acquisition time in RS-EPR allows extensive signal averaging and very high time resolution. Compared to CW-EPR, RS-EPR delivers higher signal to noise in the same total experimental time. With sweep times as low as 10 microseconds, short lived EPR species can be observed, and their changes can be followed precisely.
The Rapid Scan accessory allows for tracking kinetics of chemical reactions due to the high time resolution it affords. In combination with light irradiation with the optical fiber on the Rapid Scan Resonator, photochemical reactions can be monitored.
DMPO Spin Trapping Adducts:
Superoxide (black), Hydroxyl radical (blue), Methyl radical (red)
Since 1995, the very high level of sensitivity in Continuous Wave EPR (CW-EPR) has technologically reached its maximum. Recently a new method of acquiring the EPR signal, Rapid Scan EPR (RS‑EPR), has been pioneered by the Eaton research lab at the University of Denver.
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