EPR Research Instruments


Bruker’s ELEXSYS-E580 is an FT/CW system building the basis for multifrequency and multiresonance FT-EPR. The E580 is a highly versatile instrument that allows all pulse experiments of today and is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

Unprecedented performance

explore your samples to the fullest

The E580 employs an IF (Intermediate Frequency) design that facilitates easy upgrades from the standard X Band to L, S, and Q Bands
0.5 ns
The SpecJet-III digitizer and VAMP-III video amplifier offer a very wide detection bandwidth of 1 GHz.
Shaped Pulses
The SpinJet AWG (Arbitrary Waveform Generator) unlocks the world of shaped pulses for improved sensitivity and selectivity.
ELEXSYS E580, the ultimate EPR System for Life Science, Materials Science and Quantum Computing


  • FT-EPR and Electron Spin Echo techniques as the basic detectors for the EPR spectrum and electron spin relaxation times (T1 and T2)
  • ESEEM and 2D-HYSCORE to measure spin density distribution and distances through the hyperfine interaction between electron and nuclear spins
  • Pulse-ENDOR to measure hyperfine interactions and nuclear spin relaxation
  • Pulse-ELDOR and DEER to measure long range distances by electron-electron spin dipolar coupling
  • SECSY and EXSY to measure correlations and exchange rates
  • Laser triggered experiments to investigate chemical reactions and triplet states


Pulse EPR has matured into a well established tool for the investigation of paramagnetic species. From the very beginning Bruker set the milestones in commercial Pulse-EPR instrumentation with the ESP 380 introduced in 1987.  The next landmark was set by the successor model ELEXSYS E 580 and the new high speed digital devices PatternJet and SpecJet. For the first time in history it was possible to average FIDs and echoes at a rate governed by spin relaxation and not hampered by hardware constraints.


Another cornerstone of the spectrometer, the probehead, has been in the focus of development over many years. The result is the legendary Flexline probehead series.

The ELEXSYS E 580 FT/CW X-Band spectrometer is also the platform for multi-frequency extensions. Based on the X-Band spectrometer, frequency conversions are available to W-Band (E 680) and Q-Band (SuperQ-FT). The unique design concept allows transformation of all features of the X-Band to the additional frequency in a dual-band spectrometer.

SpinJet-AWG II

Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWGs) are integral to modern pulse EPR spectrometers. With the introduction of the second generation of the SpinJet-AWG, Bruker is taking the next step in shaping EPR experiments. With updated software and advanced hardware components, the SpinJet-AWG II is the ideal product for pushing the frontiers of your EPR research, and has the following features and specifications:

  • WURST, sech/tanh, and Fourier-series as new pre-defined pulse shapes
  • Phase cycling of custom pulse shapes
  • 2.0 GS/s, 0.5 ns resolution
  • 14-bit amplitude resolution
  • 0.5° phase resolution
  • 1 GHz bandwidth
  • Increased memory with optimized usage
  • Compatible with all frequency bands offered by Bruker
  • Calibration table for optimized suppression of the carrier frequency
  • The SpinJet-AWG II is available with all new ELEXSYS E580 systems and as an upgrade to your current system
                                             The SpinJet-AWG II
Clean HYSCORE spectrum of coal recorded with the SpinJet-AWG II
Phase cycling of a custom shaped WURST pulse with Xepr and the SpinJet-AWG II


Xepr for experiment design and data handling

Unprecedented flexibility and ease of use are the attributes of the Xepr software. Whether you are dealing with a simple echo decay or a complicated multiple-pulse 2D experiment, the graphical user interface of Xepr ensures easy instrument control, experiment definition and execution. Numerous novel processing tools, display capabilities and data representations open up new dimensions in data analysis as well.


Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory