Magnetic Resonance

EPR Instruments

For over 80 years, EPR has been the non-destructive analytical technique at the forefront of molecular spectroscopy for the direct detection of paramagnetic species. Bruker's high-performance portfolio of EPR instruments enables identification and quantification of free radicals and transition metal ions in solids, liquids, gases, cells, and in vivo. Our advanced CW and Pulse EPR techniques provide valuable structural insights from the chemical structure to intermolecular interactions. Discover how our solutions can advance your research.

The Many Applications of EPR

From cell membranes to nano-diamonds, EPR applications spread far and wide through many fields: chemistry, material research, life science, quantum physics, and quality control.

In electrochemistry, redox chemistry, photochemistry and catalysis, EPR can be used to study metal centers and radicals involved in chemical processes. Amongst the many areas in material science, applications include polymer synthesis, testing the purity of silicon in solar cells and characterization of nano-diamonds and diamond grading. In an industrial setting, EPR is used to monitor product stability, impurity profiles, degradation, flavor stability and shelf-life for quality and process control.

In structural biology EPR provides insight into structure, function and reaction mechanisms in enzymes, membrane proteins, RNA and DNA. Biomedical EPR applications include the detection of free radicals such as ROS and RNS to observe and evaluate oxidative stress and cell damage.

Bruker is the world's leading supplier of electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer (EPR) systems with more than 50 years of experience. Bruker's EPR application scientists have expertise in all EPR techniques and experience covering the full range of fields where EPR is used. Our product lines include the research EPR product line ELEXSYS™, the compact EPR product lines EMXplus™ and EMXmicro™, the benchtop routine product line Magnettech ESR5000 and quality control product line microESR.