Super-Resolution Microscopes

Vutara VXL

Revolutionize your lab with the ultimate multimodal bioimaging super-resolution microscope.

Vutara VXL

The Bruker Vutara VXL super-resolution microscope incorporates industry-leading single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) technology in a streamlined system with a compact footprint. The Vutara VXL system allows researchers to perform advanced research on DNA, RNA, and proteins including macromolecular complexes, super-structures, chromatin structures, and chromosomal substructures. This novel system also supports the study of functional relationships in genomes and various subcellular organelles and advanced spatial biology research in extracellular matrix structures, extracellular vesicles, virology, neuroscience, and live-cell imaging.


The Vutara VXL system incorporates a unique bi-plane detection technique to achieve 3D sub-diffraction resolution without any compromise in speed or sensitivity. Furthermore, when combined with Bruker's unique microscope fluidics unit, Vutara VXL enables multiplexed imaging for targeted, sub-micrometer multiomics in genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics research.

3D imaging
Achieves depths up to 100 μm imaging with proprietary bi-plane technology.
multimodal imaging
Utilizes flexible software to quantitatively analyze specimens with greater depth.
Provides easy yet unlimited multiplexed imaging for spatial genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics.

Super-Resolution Acquisitions in 3D

Synapses in a 10 µm section of retina tissue. Localizations colored by depth, rotating around the Y-axis to show the extent of Z depth.

The Vutara VXL is equipped with proprietary bi-plane technology that enables you to gather 3D data with every acquisition. This technology allows you to easily perform a Z-stack series for thicker specimens and automatically localize and reconstruct the entire volume. With Vutara VXL, you can obtain comprehensive 3D data of your samples with ease.

Single-Molecule Imaging Beyond the Cover Slip

Vutara VXL is capable of imaging far from the surface of the coverslip, up to 100 µm deep, to accommodate a wide range of sample types. Thanks to the proprietary bi-plane technology, Vutara VXL with SRX software can perform single-molecule localization microscopy on more sample types than any other commercial single-molecule localization microscope available. Cultured cells, cell colonies, tissue sections, and entire model organisms are now accessible for single-molecule localization experiments.

Widefield illumination used with the bi-plane detection of the Vutara VXL allows imaging deep within tissue sections.

Analyze Localizations with SRX Software

SRX software interface after performing a cluster analysis showing color, particle count, volume, surface area, and more.

Vutara's Quantitative Localization Microscopy suite enhances your productivity and allows you to turn localizations into meaningful results. Vutara's SRX workflow-driven software guides users through the setup, calibration, imaging, processing, and analysis of the super-resolution single-molecule localization experiment. SRX boosts the value of the system by providing dedicated software that is designed specifically for SMLM. The SRX software combines real-time localization processing with advanced visualization and sophisticated quantitative analysis tools to let researchers quickly create publication-quality videos, images, and measurements.

SMLM Imaging Techniques on the Vutara VXL


Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) and Direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (dSTORM) enable localization of individual molecules using photoswitching or photo-activatable dyes that can allow high localization precisions — even in dense populations.

All SMLM methods rely on the selective on-off switching of fluorescent molecules. Classical STORM uses dye pairs (e.g., Cy3-Cy5), while dSTORM6 (direct STORM) requires only one fluorophore (e.g., Alexa647, Cy5) and a "switching buffer." Nevertheless, in both STORM and dSTORM, illumination with different wavelengths switches these fluorescent dyes on and off.

The advantage of STORM7 over PALM is that these dye molecules are highly efficient with large photon budgets, where the photo-activated proteins used in PALM emit a limited number of photons irreversibly photobleaching. As a result, STORM can achieve higher resolutions.


  • Mapping the three-dimensional molecular distribution of synaptic proteins in the brain with nanometer resolution4
  • Revealing organizational principles for actin and spectrin in axons and dendrites5
Retinal Synapses. Sample courtesy of Yuchen Wang (University of Alabama Birmingham)
Axons from primary rat hippocampal neurons
Retinal Synapses. Sample courtesy of Yuchen Wang (University of Alabama Birmingham)
Axons from primary rat hippocampal neurons

Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM) enables localization of individual molecules within a specimen with high localization precision via the use of photoactivatable proteins. These fluorescence proteins are larger in size than the organic dyes and have lower photon budgets, but they allow endogenous labeling of proteins of interest.

Similar to STORM, PALM uses photo-activatable fluorescence proteins (e.g., paGFP, mEOS2), which can be easier than labeling with photoswitching dyes. These proteins are switched on with one laser wavelength and imaged and then bleached with another.

The primary difference between PALM and STORM -- to the advantage of PALM -- is that it allows protein labeling at the endogenous level. Moreover, because other SMLM techniques provide many localization events per molecule, PALM, which provides a single localization event per molecule, is often more applicable for experimental objectives related to stoichiometry/true moleculart counting.


  • Exploration of how postsynaptic scaffolding proteins cluster on activity with 25 nm resolution8

C. elegans as Model System for Synaptic Transmission.

Images courtesy of Sean Merrill and Rob Hobson from the Erik Jorgensen laboratory at the University of Utah (Utah, USA).

C. elegans as Model System for Synaptic Transmission.

The Jorgensen laboratory at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT) uses the Bruker Vutara super-resolution platform to understand synaptic transmission in the worm C. elegans.


Point Accumulation for Imaging Nanoscale Topography (PAINT) allows for a potentially unlimited number of probes to be analyzed with high precision and resolution. It is also immune to photobleaching and overcomes the resolution limits of other SMLM techniques resulting from the photon budget of the chromophores used for labeling structures.

The other SMLM techniques require sequentially staining target biological structures and repeatedly imaging them to produce a composite image. In PAINT methods, fluorophores are no longer permanently bound to targets, but rather float in buffer solution. Instead of a laser, transitioned binding and immobilization of labels (e.g., Nile red) out of the buffer to the investigated structure provide the on-off mechanism. This allows imaging of an unlimited number of structures of interest in the same sample and makes PAINT methods easier and more efficient to implement than other SMLM methods.

While photobleaching diminishes the photon budget of the chromophores used for labeling structures in other SMLM techniques, PAINT10 methods are immune to photobleaching. As a result, PAINT methods can achieve a higher spatial resolution than other techniques.


  • Precise colocalization studies of synaptic proteins9

Images Automatically Collected Using the Vutara VXL with Fluidics

BS-C-1 labeled with anti-tubulin, actin, anti-tom20 and anti-clathrin. Orthogonal 2º DNA-PAINT antibodies were purchased from

Top left: actin-magenta, tubulin-yellow, mitochondria-orange.
Top right: mitochondria-cyan, F-actin-magenta, tubulin-yellow, clathrin heavy chain-green.
Bottom left: F-actin-cyan, clathrin cage-green.
Bottom right: mitochondria-cyan, tubulin-magenta.

Single Particle Tracking (SPT) is the process of tracking moving particles in living cells. This allows for measurements of live cell dynamics such as the movement of particles within the cell, the connectivity of various compartments within the cell, or the production and location of newly created biomolecules. The tracked particles can be anything from genetically encoded fluorescent proteins to beads affixed to an antibody or nucleic acid sequence–in each case, the particles can be localized and tracked in 3D.

In single particle tracking, individual particles are tracked as they move around a living cell. The kind of tracked particles can vary. Single particle tracking was the first Single Molecule localization technique to be published, in a seminal work, a fluorescent bead was affixed to myosin, and its step-size determined. Beads can be affixed to biomolecules of interest either chemically or by interaction with e.g. an antibody. But many other single particle tracking techniques have been developed. In SPT-PALM, a portion of a population of proteins are photoconverted or photoactivated, and tracked until they bleach – this technique allows for tracking the dynamics of endogenous proteins with the cell. SPT is not limited to proteins – systems such as SP2, RNA Aptamers such as Peppers, or non-catalytic dCAS9 can be used to track the production, location and movement of RNAs, and dCAS9 or the LacI/Lac-O system the precise location of gene loci within chromatin as well. On the Vutara VXL, two or more classes of biomolecules can be tracked simultaneously in 3D with our dual camera accessory. The VXL is particularly well suited to single particle tracking as all particles within a roughly 1 micron Z section a 50x50 micron field of view can be localized and tracked natively in 3D at very high temporal resolution, and our powerful SRX software will handle the particle tracking for you.


  • Tracking the movement of RNAs down the axon
  • Seeing if a protein of interest is actively localized or diffuses to its functional site
  • Determining if different organelles or cellular compartments are connected or constrained
  • Determining the rate of receptor pairing
  • Measuring the rate of RNA production and correlate it to the position of a locus in the nucleus


Imaging Modalities
Super-resolution localization microscopy (SMLM)
  • SMLM with high z-resolution for STORM, PALM, PAINT, SPT and related super-resolution applications
  • Localization microscopy with large FOV, optimized for super-resolution multiplexed genomics applications
Widefield microscopy
  • Epi-fluorescence microscopy with large FOV
  • Transmitted light microscopy with large FOV
Imaging Optics
Excitation lasers (nominal laser power at diode)
  • 405 nm, 120 mW
  • 488 nm, 2000 mW (optional)
  • 555 nm, 2000 mW
  • 638 nm, 1200 mW
  • 750 nm, 1500 mW (optional)
Flat illumination
  • Flat excitation profile guaranteed by top hat illumination from a square fiber
Multi-color acquisition
  • Up to 5 colors sequential
  • 2 colors simultaneously with 2 cameras (optional)
Multi-plane imaging
  • Simultaneous imaging of two focal planes allows 1 µm depth discrimination (larger z range possible in z-stack mode)
  • Orca Flash 4.0 V3 sCMOS camera
  • Orca Fusion BT sCMOS camera (optional)
  • 60x magnification
  • 1.3 numerical aperture (NA)
  • Silicon oil immersion
  • 0.3 mm working distance
  • #1.5H cover glass (0.170 ±0.005 mm)
Field of View (FOV)
  • 200 µm x 200 µm for multiplexed localization microscopy and widefield imaging
  • 50 µm x 50 µm for SMLM with switching (STORM, PALM, PAINT) and 3D localization (biplane detection)
  • Larger FOV with tile scanning
Single Molecule Localization (SMLM)
3D SMLM method
  • Fitting of measured PSF to maximize accuracy in xyz
  • Proprietary biplane for high accuracy z-resolution and deep sample imaging
SMLM resolution
  • Better than 20 nm laterally (xy)
  • 50 nm axially (z) with biplane
Imaging depth
  • > 50 µm (typical, dependent on sample)
Stage, Focus Drive, and Sample Holder
  • SMLM with high z-resolution for STORM, PALM, PAINT, and related super-resolution applications
  • Localization microscopy with large FOV, optimized for super-resolution multiplexed genomics applications
  • Course focus to localize sample
  • Fine focus for fast z-stack acquisition
Drift correction
  • Active focus drift correction during data acquisition
  • Focus drift <30 nm over 10 minutes
  • xy drift correction post-acquisition
Environmental control
  • Live cell incubation with humidity, CO2, and temperature control (optional)
Multiplexing (optional)
Microfluidics unit for sequential labeling
  • Multiplexed exchange of sample buffer (optional fluidics unit)
  • 15 samples + buffer x 2 ml reservoirs for imaging probes
  • 96 samples + buffer
  • Seamless integrations in SRX microscope control software
Dimensions and Environment
Compact table-top design
  • Space required if microscope and laser launch are installed on same table: 120 cm x 75 cm (4 ft x 2.5 ft)
  • Microscope without camera:

                  34 cm x 40 cm x 34 cm, (1.2 ft x 1.3 ft x 1.2 ft)

                  35 kg (78 lbs)

  • Laser launch:

                  33 cm x 53 cm x 32 cm (1.0 ft x 1.7 ft x 1.0 ft)

                  30 kg (65 lbs)

  • Electronics box stacked on top of laser launch:

                  53 cm x 35 cm x 14 cm (1.7 ft x 1.1 ft x 0.4 ft)

                  8 kg (17 lbs)

Operating in a typical laboratory environment
  • The light-tight design does not require dimmed room light
Vibration insulation included
  • The system includes vibration insulation (sturdy table or bench required for installation)
  • Optional: Customers can supply optical table for challenging environments
Workflow-defined software for easy data acquisition
  • SMLM modalities

                  STORM / dSTORM



                  Other blinking-based modalities

  • Genomics modalities

                  Chromatin tracing


  • Multiplexing workflow

                  Tracking of probe cycles and positions

                  Support for an unlimited number of probes

  • Calibration workflow to ensure superior localization precision
SMLM processing
  • xy fitting based on measured point-spread function (PSF)
  • z position determined from calibrated biplane data
  • Initial localization during data acquisition
  • Statistical tools to validate localizations
Particle tracking
  • Diffusion analysis based on nearest neighbors
  • Particle assignment based on sparse emitter tracking
  • Mean-square displacement and distribution analysis and plots
  • Mean velocity and angle calculations and plots
Fluidics Manager
  • Setup and control multiplexed imaging workflow
  • Tracking of probe labels and metadata

Drift correction

  • Auto-correlation
  • Fiducials embedded in the sample
Statistical analysis tools
  • Spatial distribution

                  Ripley’s K functions

                  Pair correlation

                  Nearest neighbors

  • Cluster analysis




                  Particle counts

                  Volume and density calculations

                  Determination of radius of gyration and sphericity

                  Principal component analysis (PCA)

                  Calculation of centroid

  • Colocalization

                  Pearson’s correlation coefficient

                  Mander’s overlap coefficient

                  Intensity correlation quotient

                  Cross pair correlation

                  Joint histogram


  • Resolution analysis

                  Fourier ring correlation

                  Labeling density resolution analysis

                  Local resolution correlation mapping

                  Nearest neighbors’ analysis

Chromatin tracing (optional)
  • Optical reconstruction of chromatin architecture
Integrated visualization
  • 2D and 3D visualizations
  • Point cloud and point splatting
  • Volumetric slices
  • Isosurface
  • Maximum intensity rendering
  • Depth color coding
  • Time frame color coding
  • Color coding by probe
  • Cluster hull visualization
  • Wireframe visualization of clusters
  • Trajectories for tracked particles
Open data formats
  • Raw images are stored in highly efficient binary format and can be exported in ome-tiff format
  • Export of drift corrected data
  • Localizations are stored in highly efficient binary format and can be exported as .csv or MATLAB binary files
  • Results from cluster analysis are stored and can be exported
  • Export of results from statistical analysis as .csv or MATLAB binary files
  • All imaging and processing settings are stored in XML or JSON format
  • Images can be exported as vector graphics or user-defined size/DPI
  • Specifications for all data formats are published
Additional Data Storage
Network attached storage (NAS) unit (optional)
  • 90 TB effective storage
  • 2 Gb/sec transfer rate

A Complete Software Solution, From Acquisition to Analysis

With SRX software and its Quantitative Localization Microscopy analysis suite, Vutara VXL can provide visual and quantitative information from biological samples. By localizing individual molecules, Vutara VXL can generate 3D images while simultaneously providing in-depth quantitative analysis tools.

Vutara VXL is equipped with SRX software that enables searchers to acquire, localize, visualize, and analyze their data with ease.

With more than 15 years of experience in designing microscopes in academia and in industry, I am proud to contribute to the development of Vutara's super-resolution microscopes. With biplane 3D detection and fast sCMOS imaging, Vutara has the most advanced super-resolution microscope on the market.

Joerg Bewersdorf, Ph.D., Yale University

After scanning the market for super-resolution microscopes and personally visiting and testing most commercially available systems with our own samples, I can say that I am most impressed with Vutara's SR-350. In particular, the user friendliness of their imaging software as well as the 3D capability in super-resolution mode impressed me.

Vutara has an excellent support team and staff as a whole making our transition to super-resolution a well-supported experience. If you're looking to advance your research by super resolution microscopy, I can confidently say that Vutara's systems are an excellent choice.

Thomas Stroh, Ph.D., Core Facility Director, McGill University

The volume of data you can acquire on a super-resolution system is incredible when comparing electron microscopy especially considering the sample preparation.

Peter McPherson, Ph.D., McGill University

Having published with a Vutara super-resolution system, I can confidently say that they offer one of the most advanced super-resolution microscopes available. Their attention to detail and ongoing close collaboration makes them one of my preferred microscopy vendors.

Brigitte Ritter, Ph.D., Boston University

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